

作者: LexieMIZUKI | 来源:发表于2021-01-11 11:53 被阅读0次

    I'm going to write about my life of what I like,what I did and what turned out to be like what.Please forgive me I like to write something in English sometimes,and if there is some grammar or spelling problems,please ignore them,I'll be appreciate.I just try to remind me of why my life right now turns out like that,and why I choose the road right now-baking.I still want to be me at the very first time dreaming about my future.


    I tried to attend many activities as I can,because I was born in a not very rich family but I found out I was such an active person who was also full of imaginations maybe with a little bit of artist gene cause my family they all love music.

    1. 我参加了跆拳道,毛笔书法,美术绘画,黑板报制作,校乐队
    2. 我和同学相处地不怎么样,特别是本地同学,我和外地同学玩得还行,但我从来没有去过同学家里玩,父母不允许,我到现在都很疑惑;但是每次同学让我和她们一起去洗手间,我都是拒绝的,我一直不明白为什么上厕所要和别人一起去。


    I had been through a very rough time there,because I was really bad at sports at that time and that school really looked highly at your sports ability.

    1. 我每天学习都很用功,还记得早上五点起床背政治,英语拼字大赛拿过年级第一名
    2. 但体育太差,我转学了,回老家了,这是我做的第一个逃避现实的重大决定,我14岁


    I felt great every day since I went that new school until I chose to take the high school entrance exam.

    1. 我学得挺好的,每次大考试基本都是班上前三名,每天都在学习,没想过自己感兴趣什么
    2. but I didn't do too well in the final exam,and I could've choose to go to high school directly because at that time I did really well at a very important test,but I still chose to take this challenge.
      And my first secret here I'm 火星天蝎


    This period I call it the hell time.I just couldn't finish my homework,and I thinked I never finish them by myself once,almost by the help of some apps.

    1. 晚上12点睡,早上4点起床写作业
    2. 每天上学骑自行车或跑步,只有一次差点迟到坐出租车
    3. 每次大考完都要找老师谈话,每次都哭得稀里哗啦
    4. 唯一考得还比较好的一次是我同时在背新概念3的文章,画黑板报,搞学习




