import { EggAppConfig, EggAppInfo, PowerPartial } from "egg";
export default (appInfo: EggAppInfo) => {
const config = {} as PowerPartial<EggAppConfig>;
// override config from framework / plugin
// use for cookie sign key, should change to your own and keep security
config.keys = appInfo.name + "_1606967424562_9661";
// add your egg config in here
config.middleware = [];
// add your special config in here
const bizConfig = {
sourceUrl: `https://github.com/eggjs/examples/tree/master/${appInfo.name}`,
config.mysql = {
//database configuration
//client: {
//host: "localhost",
//port: "3306",
//user: "root",
//password: "root",
//database: "egg",
clients: {
db1: {
host: "localhost",
port: "3306",
user: "root",
password: "root",
database: "egg",
db2: {
host: "localhost",
port: "3306",
user: "root",
password: "root",
database: "hubeiwh",
// 所有数据库配置的默认值
default: {},
//load into app,default is open //加载到应用程序,默认为打开
app: true,
//load into agent,default is close //加载到代理中,默认值为“关闭”
agent: false,
// the return config will combines to EggAppConfig
return {
// app/service/Test.ts
import { Service } from "egg";
* Test Service
export default class Test extends Service {
* 查询egg库里面username表
* @param {string} name 用户名称
public async name(name: string) {
const data: any = await this.app.mysql
.query(`SELECT * FROM USERNAME WHERE name = '${name}'`);
return { data };
* 查询hubeiwh库里面username表
* @param {number} entPid 企业id
public async entprise(entPid: number) {
const data: any = await this.app.mysql
.get("cim_enterprise", { enterpid: entPid });
return { data };