20190117 commonplace

20190117 commonplace

作者: angelqi_b03a | 来源:发表于2019-01-17 17:22 被阅读5次



adj. if something is commonplace, it happens often or is often found, and is therefore not surprising. (v-commonplace  adj) 平常的,不足为奇的

n. a commonplace is something that happens often or is often found.平常的事,司空见惯的事

n. a commonplace is a remark or opinion that is often expressed and is therefore not original or interesting.老生常谈,陈词滥调

happening often or often seen or exprienced and so not considered to be special.


commonplace做形容词表示“平常的,不足为奇的”,可以替换 not special,usual 等。做名称表示“平常的事;老生常谈,陈词滥调”。


1. Spelling errors are commonplace in Donald Trump's tweets.

    Donald Trump's tweets are prone to spelling errors.

2. Mobile payment systems are already commonplace across China.

3. Households with just one child have become commonplace in Europe and the more prosperous parts of Asia, including China. That means each child has more time, money and energy invested in it, but misses out on the hustle and bustle of a large household.

hustle and bustle 熙攘喧闹,几乎是一个固定搭配常用的词组了


1. 搭配:

verb: be/seem/become commonplace  似乎/变得平凡

regard sth as commonplace  认为……很普通

adv: very/almost/enough/fairly/quite/rather  非常/几近/十分/相当普通、寻常

prep: commonplace among/amongst 在……中间很平常

2. 翻译:去国外度假已经变得越来越平常。

Taking holidays overseas/abroad has become more and more commonplace. (自己)

Foreign vacations have become increasingly commonplace./ Holidaying abroad has become increasingly commonplace.

分析:虽然是简单句,但是more and more还是可以被increasingly替代,以表现出对英语的熟练度和掌控力。

3. 生活场景应用

It's a commonplace to scramble for train tickets bringing people home around the Spring Festival.


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