

作者: 摩羯座的思想者 | 来源:发表于2019-10-25 18:15 被阅读0次
    在我们进行的考试中,阅读的题型是必不可少的,那要怎么攻克GMAT的阅读呢?今天成都申友GMAT来给大家说一下,GMAT阅读到底有哪些题型! 在GMAT阅读的考试中,包含四篇文章,长短各两篇,长篇文章中有四个问题,短片文章中有三个问题,一共有14道题。  1. 主旨(Main idea)- 考察我们对文章整体的把握程度,对文章的结构的分析能力和把控能力, 以及对作者逻辑的判断。 2. 支持主题(Supporting ideas)- 考察我们对文章细节的认知。 3. 推断(Inference)- 考察我们对文章的深度理解,以及逻辑推断能力。 4. 逻辑结构(Logical structure)- 考察我们对作者写作目的更深层次的认识,以及文章本身的逻辑 5. 应用文中的信息于文章之外(Applying information to a context outside the passage itself)- 考察我们对文章整体或某处细节的把握,选项中出现的东西都不属于文 章,但要“貌离神合”。思想和文章并无二致,但是载体千变万化。 6. 评价(Evaluation)- 考察我们对文章中某一段的主旨意思的理解,以及对作者作此段落或词 的用意的理解。 7. 应用(Application)- 考察我们对文章细节的深度认知,并达到可以应用总结的地步。  在这几种题型中,主旨题是最常见的形式,几乎每篇阅读都有一道主旨题,主旨题的问法通常是The passage is primarily concerned about…或者The purpose of the passage is to…对于主旨题,我们首先需要的是把文章的结构理清楚。通过做阅读会发现,GMTA阅读篇幅短小,但是观点明确,行文严谨,因此对于主旨题,切忌以文章的某个小点来代替全文的内容,一定要从整体出发,有“大局意识”。主旨题相对于需要推理类的细节题比较容易,因为我们强调拿到一篇GMAT文章首先需要看文章的结构句,结构句通常就会给出这篇文章的主要内容,结构句就相当于主干,把整篇文章串联起来。第一遍先浏览结构句,第二遍再来通读全文,那这个时候再来做主旨题,就比较确定了。而且大家会注意到,主旨题的选项通常是一个动词加宾语,我们首先看动词,一般选择态度中性的词语,比如discuss,argue或者explain等,除非作者态度很明显,那么对于challenge,dismiss,refute这些态度偏向很明显的动词,通常都是不选的。举个主旨题的例子:For many years, historians thought that the development of capitalism had not faced serious challenges in the United States. Writing in the early twentieth century, Progressive historians sympathized with the battles waged by farmers and small producers against large capitalists in the late nineteenth century, but they did not question the widespread acceptance of laissez-faire (unregulated) capitalism throughout American history. Similarly, Louis Hartz, who sometimes disagreed with the Progressives, argued that Americans accepted laissez-faire capitalism without challenge because they lacked a feudal, precaptialist past. Recently, however, some scholars have argued that even though laissez-faire became the prevailing ethos in nineteen-century America, it was not accepted without struggle. Laissez-faire capitalism, they suggest, clashed with existing religious and communitarian norms that imposed moral constraints on acquisitiveness to protect the weak from the predatory, the strong from corruption, and the entire culture from materialist excess. Buttressed by mercantilist notions that government should be both regulator and promoter of economic activity, these norms persisted long after the American Revolution helped unleash the economic forces that produced capitalism. These scholars argue that even in the late nineteenth century, with the government’s role in the economy considerably diminished, laissez-faire had not triumphed completely. Hard times continued to revive popular demands for regulating business and softening the harsh edges of laissez-faire capitalism. 1. The primary purpose of the passage is to (A) reveal the underlying similarities of certain arguments regarding the development of capitalism in the United States (B) synthesize two competing arguments regarding the development of capitalism in the United States (C) defend an established argument regarding the development of capitalism in the United States (D) summarize a scholarly refutation of an argument regarding the development of capitalism in the United States (E) discuss a new methodology for the study of the development of capitalism in the United States 这是一篇一段式文章。一段式文章首句是非常重要的,而这篇文章首句告诉我们历史学家提出了一个观点,即资本主义的发展没有受到挑战。至于后文的Progressive historians和Louis Hartz这两个人,他们的观点只是一种并列的关系(由similarly连接),所以这两个观点的作用是相同的。而他们的观点对历史学家的观点不构成转折或者对比的关系,所以这两个观点的作用自然是对历史学家的观点进行解释说明和进一步论证。当我们在对主旨题的选项进行判断的时候,Progressive historians和Louis Hartz其实不用太多的考虑。Recently, however, some scholars have argued that even though laissez-faire became the prevailing ethos in nineteen-century America, it was not accepted without struggle.一直到这句,关键性的句子出现了,recently和首句的for many years形成了对比,而且however之后提出了学者新的观点,他们认为资本主义(laissez-faire capitalism)的发展是受到了挑战的。所以我们会发现,后文那么一大段的内容,都是为了来解释说明学者的观点。所以我们这样一梳理,文章的主旨就显得很清晰了:学者和历史学家关于资本主义是否受到挑战的观点是相反的,而作者主要是在提出学者的观点并展开论证。所以这个时候对选项进行分析,D选项体现了学者的反驳,没有问题。A选项中similarities不存在,B选项中synthesize没有合成,C选项中defend an established argument,established不合理,因为学者的观点是近来新提出的,E选项中,a new methodology文章没有提到。主旨题只要掌握了方法提升应该是比较快的,需要的是大家下来多练习。对于细节题我们这次主要解决一类比较典型的题目,目的题。同学们会经常遇到一种题型,问文章提到某句话或者某个信息是为了干什么(in order to/ function)。这类题型同学们要知道,问某句话的作用,不仅仅是考察这句话的信息,还需要判断这句话在上下文中所产生的关系(解释、论证、对比、反驳),所以目的题要结合上下文进行思考。再举个例子。Unlike the oligosaccharins, the five well-known plant hormones are pleiotropic rather than specific; that is, each has more than one effect on the growth and development of plants. The five have so many simultaneous effects that they are not very useful in artificially controlling the growth of crops. Auxin, for instance, stimulates the rate of cell elongation, causes shoots to grow up and roots to grow down, and inhibits the growth of lateral shoots. Auxin also causes the plant to develop a vascular system, to form lateral roots, and to produce ethylene. The author mentions specific effects that auxin has on plant development in orderto illustrate theA. point that some of the effects of plant hormones can be harmful.B. way in which hormones are produced by plants.C. hierarchical nature of the functioning of plant hormones.D. differences among the best-known plant hormones.E. concept of pleiotropy as it is exhibited by plant hormones.这是某篇文章中的一段,首句告诉我们在对比两个对象,oligosaccharins和five well-known plant hormones,而且突出5大植物激素有pleiotropic(多效型)。第二句simultaneous effects其实就是上文的pleiotropic,进一步说明5大植物激素的pleiotropic。最后提到了Auxin,它作为一个例子,可能会有生单词或者生物现象不理解,但是我们知道这个例子同样也是为了说明pleiotropy,就够了。所以这个时候问提到Auxin的目的,自然是为了解释说明pleiotropy,选E。A选项中harmful没有提到,B选项与该段无关,C选项中hierarchical nature与本段无关,D选项differences没有提到,都很好排除。在GMAT阅读中,主旨题和目的题都是相对比较容易的题型,同学们知道了它们考察的目的和方向,了解了技巧,做题速度和正确率都会有很大的提升。同学们要注意,GMAT阅读选择某个选项一定是有原因或者逻辑的,在文中能够找到相应的信息一一对应,所以同学们一定不要从感觉出发,感觉某个选项怎么样,要回到文章定位,找到确切的信息。阅读是一个长期的过程,很难在短时间内速成,不过GMAT文章都是有一定规律的,也就是我们说的结构层次,多练习多划分文章结构层次,相信大家能有很大的提升。



