LeetCode 9. Palindrome Number

LeetCode 9. Palindrome Number

作者: 洛丽塔的云裳 | 来源:发表于2020-03-31 22:13 被阅读0次

0. 题目

Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. An integer is a palindrome when it reads the same backward as forward.

Example 1:
Input: 121
Output: true

Example 2:
Input: -121
Output: false
Explanation: From left to right, it reads -121. From right to left, it becomes 121-. Therefore it is not a palindrome.

Example 3:
Input: 10
Output: false
Explanation: Reads 01 from right to left. Therefore it is not a palindrome.


    bool isPalindrome(int x) {
        string old_str = to_string(x);
        string new_str = old_str;
        reverse(new_str.begin(), new_str.end());
        return old_str == new_str;

python 版本

    def isPalindrome(self, x):
        :type x: int
        :rtype: bool
        old_str = str(x)
        new_str = old_str[::-1]
        return old_str == new_str



      本文标题:LeetCode 9. Palindrome Number
