

作者: 格格格物 | 来源:发表于2019-01-15 22:32 被阅读0次


    It is outdated. It may have been a misconceived notion in the first place.

    The question of what constitutes "property" is one of the oldest, and most important questions of humankind. Humans were considered "property" for most of history, and women were (and still are in some societies) considered property. Obviously this is, and has always been, despicable.

    Intellectual property has has existed, in some form and some society, for less than a 1000 years, which is less than 1% of human existence.

    The constitutional approach stems from Thomas Jefferson, for whom ideas or inventions were not property, but if giving inventors exclusive rights for a limited period of time benefited society, it may be done at the discretion of that society.

    Thomas Jefferson on Patents and Freedom of Ideas

    Fast-forward to the year 2013, and this question is more relevant than ever. The costs of protecting inventions and creative expression as "property" are obvious, while the benefits are only speculative.

    *What are the costs? *

    Billions, if not trillions, of dollars spent each year through civil and criminal litigation. Time and money that would otherwise be spent creating things rather than destroying them.

    Restriction of access to research and learning material (much of it publicly funded, in the so-called public interest). Who knows how much this costs?

    Why are the benefits speculative? Two things have never been proven:

    1. Creators create primarily for financial motive
    2. The "natural" ways of protecting ideas/information/content are insufficient

    Throughout history, people have made things, for nothing except the joy of seeing them made and they've discovered things for the joys of finding things out. Painters will still paint.. hackers will still hack, physicists will still do physics with no reward other than personal satisfaction. To be sure, that isn't the whole story.

    It could be argued that ip protection engenders the building of industries and institutions around creative work. This could lead to more jobs and a better economy and promote the progress of society at large.. but that alone doesn't justify ip protection from a constitutional perspective. It has to justify the progress of Science and the "Useful Arts" specifically. IP supporters have to demonstrate both that the progress of society is promoted by IP, in turn promotes science, technology and art and that neither of these could occur without IP.

    In summary, the burden of proof for IP should (have always) been on those who are asking to limit access to information and ideas. After all, IP protection goes against freedom of speech and freedom of thought, slows the spread of ideas and therefore the progress of society and is not "natural" property in any sense.

    Media companies and the government can't claim "theft of property".. They must claim that the content wouldn't have been created without the laws that protect it.
















    In my opinion IP is not just outdated, but it should have never been invented. Knowledge should be no one's exclusive property. We learnt everything from someone, maybe by ourselves looking at the universe. Ideas have no owners; unlike material goods, when you share an idea you don't lose the idea, you still keep your copy. I am a writer, a teacher and a physics researcher and I share ideas and knowledge for free. For free I mean that I don't charge for my ideas or knowledge, I just want to get a fair salary for my efforts and hours of work, same as a carpenter who won't charge you every time you use the table he built for you or a mechanic who won't charge for every time someone turns on the car she repaired. I don't think anyone can own ideas, because all ideas are made of other and other's ideas, for example, every book, even if incredibly original, is inspired by other books, movies, old stories or conversations and experiences with other people. Furthermore, ideas get more powerful the more people shares or agree on them. So how could I claim property over something created by interacting with others and that gains its value thanks to others?




