【Day 15】self-respect 单词笔记

【Day 15】self-respect 单词笔记

作者: 林小笨sea | 来源:发表于2017-03-13 21:02 被阅读0次

1. delusion:


- a false belief or opinion 错觉,谬见

e.g. don't go getting delusion of grandeur.不要妄自尊大

- the act of being or making yourself believe sth that is not true. 欺骗。哄骗

verb: delude

2. tremor


- a small earthquake in which the ground shakes slightly轻微地震,小震

e.g. The scandal sent tremors through the political establishment.

- a slight shaking movement in a part of your body caused, for example, by cold or fear颤抖, 战栗

= quiver

e.g. There was a slight tremor in his voice.

3. hamper


- to prevent somebody from easily doing or achieving something妨碍,阻止

= hinder

e.g. Our efforts were severely hampered by a lack of money.

4. totem



totemic animals

5. exempt


- if somebody/something is exempt from something, they are not affected by it, do not have to do it, pay it, etc.免除,豁免

e.g. The interest on the money is exempt from tax.

verb: 免除,豁免

e.g. his bad eyesight exempted him from military service.

6. platitude


- a comment or statement that has been made very often before and is therefore not interesting陈词滥调,老生常谈

e.g. a political speech full of platitudes and empty promises

7. dismal


- causing or showing sadness忧郁的,凄凉的,阴沉的

= gloomy,miserable

e.g. Christmas will be dismal without the children.

- not skillful or successful; of very low quality不熟练的,差劲的

e.g. The singer gave a dismal performance of some old songs.

8. splice


- to join the ends of two pieces of rope by twisting them together 铰接,粘接

get spliced


- have been joined 绞接处

9. irrevocable


- that cannot be changed无法改变的,不可更改的

e.g. an irrevocable decision/step

adv: irrevocably

10. ambivalent


- having or showing both good and bad feelings about somebody/something 矛盾情绪的

e.g. She seems to feel ambivalent about her new job.




- an end to a disagreement and the start of a good relationship again调解,和解

e.g. Their change of policy brought about a reconciliation with Britain.

- the process of making it possible for two different ideas, facts, etc. to exist together without being opposed to each other协调,和谐一致

e.g. the reconciliation between environment and development

12. intangible


- the exists but that is difficult to describe, understand or measure难以形容的,不易度量的

e.g. the benefits are intangible

- 无形的

intangible assets/property

13. guise


- a way in which somebody/something appears, often in a way that is different from usual or that hides the truth about them/it表现形式,外貌,伪装

e.g. The story appears in different guises in different cultures.

14. antidote


- a substance that controls the effects of a poison or disease 解毒药

e.g. There is no known antidote to the poison.

- anything that takes away the effects of something unpleasant 矫正方法

e.g. A Mediterranean cruise was the perfect antidote to a long cold winter.

15. commiserate


- to show somebody sympathy when they are upset or disappointed about something同情,怜悯

e.g. She commiserated with the losers on their defeat.

16. cricket


- a game played on grass by two teams of 11 players. Players score points (called runs ) by hitting the ball with a wooden bat and running between two sets of vertical wooden sticks, called stumps.板球

e.g. a cricket match/team/club/ball

- a small brown jumping insect that makes a loud high sound by rubbing its wings together 蟋蟀,蛐蛐

e.g. the chirping of crickets

17. consort


- the husband or wife of a ruler 统治者的配偶

e.g. the prince consort

- a group of old-fashioned musical instruments, or a group of musicians who play music from several centuries ago 一组(古乐器)

e.g. a solo accompanied by a consort of four viols


- to spend time with somebody that other people do not approve of厮混,鬼混

e.g. He is known to have consorted with prostitutes.

18. in thrall

- controlled or strongly influenced by sb/sth 受……控制。深受影响

19. untenable


- that cannot be defended against attack or criticism (理论,地位等)站不住脚的,不堪一击的

e.g. His position had become untenable and he was forced to resign.

20. screw


- 螺丝钉,螺丝

e.g. One of the screws is loose.

- an act of turning a screw 拧(螺丝)

- an act of having sex 性交

- a partner in sex性交对象

- a propeller on a ship, a boat or an aircraft螺旋桨

- a prison officer狱警

have a screw loose: to be slightly strange in your behaviour举止略有异常

put the screws on (somebody): to force somebody to do something by frightening and threatening them胁迫


- to fasten one thing to another or make something tight with a screw or screws

e.g. The bookcase is screwed to the wall.

- to twist something around in order to fasten it in place拧紧

- to be attached by screwing 拧上

e.g. The bulb should just screw into the socket.

- to cheat somebody, especially by making them pay too much money for something诈骗

e.g. We've been screwed.



      本文标题:【Day 15】self-respect 单词笔记
