Protocol Labs简介

作者: 波波BBBlockChain | 来源:发表于2018-04-18 11:55 被阅读27次


    We believe the internet has become humanity's most important technology. We build protocols, systems, and tools to improve how it works. Today, we are focused on how we store, locate, and move information.



    Protocol Labs is a research, development, and deployment lab for network protocols. We create software systems that tackle significant challenges. We aim to solve them with new technology breakthroughs, great user experience design, and an open-source approach to creation.

    Protocol Labs是网络协议的研究,开发和部署实验室。我们创建应对重大挑战的软件系统。我们的目标是通过新的技术突破,出色的用户体验设计和开源的创作方法来解决这些问题。


    If you are reading this, chances are you are using the fruits of open work done every decade since the 1970s. We have all benefitted enormously from Open Source. It's everywhere: from the software we use daily, our OS kernels, our network stacks, and our web browers; to open work processes like the IETF and W3C working groups; to the libraries we use and the contributions we get. The internet is what it is today thanks in great part to an Open work culture. We are the same: our code and our work is Open Source.

    当你读这段话时,也是在使用自20世纪70年代以来几十年间的开放资源成果。我们都在享受着开放资源带来的巨大好处。它无处不在:从我们每天使用的软件,OS内核,网络堆栈, 浏览器,到IETF和W3C工作组,再到我们使用的图书馆资源和订阅的书刊杂志。因特网之所以有今天的包罗万象,还要归功于这样的一种开源文化。我们也一样:我们的代码和工作都是开源的。

    信息来源:Protocol Labs官网
    关注更多关于Protocol Labs,IPFS的具体信息,请登陆Protocol Labs官方网站:



        本文标题:Protocol Labs简介
