[006] discursive
- dis-, 分开,散开。-curs, 跑
= excursive - talking or writing about many different things in a way that is not highly organized东拉西扯的;离题的;不着边际的
- I always write discursively. 离题万里
[007] derogate
- derogate v 毁损,堕落(de向下,坏+rog+ate=问下去=毁损掉)
rog = ask肉阁一直要提要求
abrogate v 取消,废止(ab去掉+rog+ate=不再要求有=取消掉)
interrogate v 审问(inter在…中间+rog+ate来来回回的要求 = 审问) - to insult (someone or something) : to say or suggest that (something or someone) is not important or worthy of respect贬低;贬损
- Americans like derogate Mr. Trump's achievements.
[008] overbearing
- →over-,在上,超过,bear,承担,承受。
- often trying to control the behavior of other people in an annoying or unwanted way专横的;盛气凌人的
- Overbearing parents may be a threat to the success of a generation.
[009] zealous
- 热心的(zeal+ous)[zeal=ardor,表示"热心"] 热闹死了
- feeling or showing strong and energetic support for a person, cause, etc. : filled with zeal热情的;热心的;狂热的
- There are a lot of zealous rock fans in the plaza.
[010] extraneous
- 在rock的年代,外在的特征(长相,衣着)不重要
simultaneous a 同时发生的
spontaneous a 自发的
miscellaneous a 各种各样的(miscell混杂) - not important不重要的
- The rabbit teeth are extraneous for the success of Freddie.