New Phytol|植物U-box E3连接酶PUB25和PU

New Phytol|植物U-box E3连接酶PUB25和PU

作者: PaperRSS | 来源:发表于2020-09-21 12:19 被阅读0次


植物器官生长由基因遗传决定的其大小和形状。在植物研究中,如何精细调控器官生长以实现明确的模式是一个引人入胜但在很大程度上尚未解决的问题。我们利用拟南芥花瓣来研究植物器官生长的遗传控制,通过筛选花瓣特异的促生长转录因子兔耳(RBE)的靶标,确定了两个密切相关的U-box E3连接酶PUB25和PUB26是重要的生长调节因子。

图 PUB25/26突变体和超表达植物的表型鉴定

我们发现PUB25在花瓣发育中受RBE以时空特异性的方式直接控制,并且是介导RBE在花瓣生长中作用的主要靶点。我们还发现PUB25和PUB26通过限制细胞增殖期来抑制花瓣生长,并且它们的调节似乎独立于其他与生长控制有关的植物E3连接酶基因。PUB25和PUB26是第一批在植物生长控制中发挥作用的U-box E3连接酶。


  • Plant organs often grow into a genetically determined size and shape. How organ growth is finely regulated to achieve a well defined pattern is a fascinating, but largely unresolved, question in plant research.

  • We utilised the Arabidopsis petal to study the genetic control of plant organ growth, and identify two closely related U‐box E3 ligases PUB25 and PUB26 as important growth regulators by screening the targets of the petal‐specific growth‐promoting transcription factor RABBIT EARS (RBE).

  • We showed that PUB25 is directly controlled by RBE in petal development in a spatial‐ and temporal‐specific manner and acts as a major target to mediate RBE’s function in petal growth. We also showed that PUB25 and PUB26 repress petal growth by restricting the period of cell proliferation, and their regulation appears to be independent of other plant E3 ligase genes implicated in growth control.

  • PUB25 and PUB26 are among the first U‐box E3 ligases shown to function in plant growth control. Furthermore, as they were also found to play a vital role in plant stress responses, PUB25 and PUB26 may act as a key hub to integrate developmental and environmental signals for balancing growth and defence in plants.

  • 来源:

  • https://nph.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/nph.16885?af=R

  • 通讯作者:Tengbo Huang,深圳大学生命科学与海洋学院广东省植物表观遗传学重点实验室,深圳




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    本文标题:New Phytol|植物U-box E3连接酶PUB25和PU
