26、insert all用法

作者: 小母牛不生产奶 | 来源:发表于2018-10-23 21:38 被阅读17次

    create table orderinfo

    ( order_id integer primary key,

     salary number(5) not null);

    create table smallorder

    ( order_id integer primary key,

     salary number(5) not null);

    create table largeorder

    ( order_idinteger primary key,

     salary number(5) not null);

    create table specialorder

    ( order_id integer primary key,

     salary number(5) not null);

    insert into orderinfo values(1, 100);

    insert into orderinfo values(2, 600);

    insert into orderinfo values(3, 700);

    insert into orderinfo values(4, 200);

    insert into orderinfo values(5, 300);

    select * from orderinfo;


    insert all

    into smallorder values(order_id,salary)

    into largeorder values(order_id,salary)

    select * from orderinfo;


    insert all   

    when salary >= 0 and salary < 300then

     intosmallorder values(order_id,salary)

    when salary >= 700 then

     into specialorder values(order_id,salary)

    when salary >= 300 then

     intolargeorder values(order_id,salary)

    select * from orderinfo;     --700同时插入largeorder表和specialorder表

    insert first

    when salary >= 0 and salary < 300then

     intosmallorder values(order_id,salary)

    when salary >= 700 then

     intospecialorder values(order_id,salary)

    when salary >= 300 then

     intolargeorder values(order_id,salary)

    select * from orderinfo;     --700只插入specialorder表,与条件语句的顺序有关

    select * from smallorder;

    select * from largeorder;

    select * from specialorder



        本文标题:26、insert all用法
