Day4 Page31-40

Day4 Page31-40

作者: 仲孙书琴 | 来源:发表于2017-06-06 19:23 被阅读0次


    1. come up with

    Then I came up with this great idea for a game.

    ex: 提出,想出,建议,提议;赶上,接近,走近

    eg: Our country's economy will come up with the US after several years.

    2. catch sb red-handed

    Mrs.Craig came around the corner and caught us red-handed.







    eg: When he robbed the bank and was caught red-handed by the police.

    3. be about to

    But night when Mrs.Craig was about to let us go.

    ex: 即将,刚要,正打算

    eg: If you fail to the exam, you will be about to change your learning method.

    4. screw up

    Good time to screw up.

    ex: 搞砸,搞乱,破坏,鼓舞,拧紧,狠狠地提高

    eg: When I screw up, I know I wil be fire so or later.

    5. mess up

    If you mess up in front of Dad.

    ex: 把搞遭,把弄乱,弄脏,弄乱,陷入困境

    eg: I hope the children haven't messed up your living room.


    1. So I kind of let my guard down.

    let sb guard down让某人放松警惕

    仿句:The more comfortable we become with these sites, the more apt we are to share personal details about ourselves and let our guard down as we interact with others.

    2. I guess he decided he'd rather be in bed than standing in my room in his underwear.

    ranther ...than... 宁可也不愿,宁愿

    eg: She told me she'd rather retake coures than enrolling the second-tier college.


    Next weekend, I'll take an CET6 examination, so I must soak muself in the test paper. Writing and listening is my weakness, I am afraid of that. with a little more practice, I think I should be able to pass my test. I feel so sorry for giving up learning English when I had became freshman. My professor told us studing and exercising is consist of person life, that's lifelong thing. I am suddenly enlightened that life can be tedious as well as colourful, I always envy the ones who have perfect lifestyle, actully, if I want to be, just do it.



          本文标题:Day4 Page31-40
