1.free shipping包邮free delivery
When you shop on Taobao, they offer free shipping if you spend a certain amount.淘宝购物,满一定金额,商家会提供包邮。
Customers are offered free shipping on all the orders in this online store.这家网点所有的订单都包邮。
shipping cost运费
Shipping cost depends on where you ship, what you're shipping and how much the parcel weighs.运费取决于你运送的地点,运送的物品以及包裹的重量。
charge+money+ for shipping运费收多少钱
That online store charges too much for shipping and I'll change another.那家网点邮费太高了,我要换一家选购。
flash sale限时抢购,秒杀
This dress is got from seckilling. It's cheap and fine.这条裙子是秒杀买的,物美价廉。
positive review好评
negative review差评
fake review假评论
five-star reviews五星好评
Online reviews of the product -either positive or negative-have a great influence on my decisions.产品的评价(好评或差评)会影响我是否要购买。
red envelopes/coupons现金券/优惠券
shopping cart购物车
return and refund退货退款
place your order下单
get/ask for a refund退款