Stop for a While

作者: 半tour废 | 来源:发表于2019-07-25 10:16 被阅读0次

    Hey you

    Always on the run

    Have you figured out what you really want

    Is there anyone waiting for you to come home after work

    Or you are just used to living a busy yet aimless life

    Did you ever ask yourself

    When is the last time that you had fun

    Did you ever stop

    To see what is going on around this beautiful world

    Is this really what you want

    How much have you lost and risked

    Just to live a life like this

    Did you find someone

    Who can truly undstand you

    Who can truly walk into your heart

    Who is willing to spend the rest of her life with you

    If not

    Then why

    Why not stop

    For just a while

    To think a little more

    To take chances

    To set a new lifestyle

    To chase after the girl you like

    To seek a new goal

    And risk it all to get what you desire

    You will see the future ahead of you is so splendid

    So, my dear

    If you are puzzled and disoriented

    Just stop for a little while

    And try to listen to what your heart says

    The voice deep down there will guide you

    To the place you want to be



        本文标题:Stop for a While
