

作者: 硬核Mother_Meg姐 | 来源:发表于2018-12-28 21:31 被阅读8次


Let's put some water in the flower pots. 我们放点水到花盆里吧。

Let's water the flowers. 我们来浇花吧。

The soil is all dry. 这些土都干了。

The flower's withered. 这些花都枯了。

Seems like the flowers are thirsty. 这些花看起来缺水。

Let's give them some water so the flowers won't wither. 我们要给它们浇水,以便让花不会枯萎。


I'll water this flower. 我来浇这花。

I want to give it some water now. 我现在想给它浇点水。

How much should I pour?  我可以浇多少?


Tile the water can more. 把浇水壶再倾斜一点。

Slowly pour the water in the watering can on the flower. 用浇水壶慢慢地把水浇在花上。

If the weather is hot, we need to give it more water. 如果天气很热,我们需要浇更多的水。

Giving too much water might make the plant die. 浇太多水,植物也有可能会死掉。

Make sure the water doesn't actually touch the flower. 确保水没有直接碰到花。

By pouring water, the dust and bugs are washed away. 灰尘和虫子也能借由浇水被冲掉。

What flower is this? 这是什么花?

This flower has a strong scent. Smell it. 这花好香。闻闻看。

Flower garden make the air in the house cleaner. 花园让屋子里的空气更干净。

The flowers are in full blossom. 花都全开了。

This tree bears fruit. 这棵树结果实了。

The sprouts have come up. 发芽了。

This plant has no flowers growing. 这植物是不开花的。

Can you take care of the flowers? 你能照看花吗?

Clean the dust on the leaves. 叶子上的灰尘也要洗掉。


Oh my! Will this tree die? 喔!这棵树会死吗?

Let me take care of these plants now. 现在让我来照看这些花草。

This is going to be my tree. 这将成为我的树。


Let's put some water in the flower pots.
Let's give them some water so the flowers won't wither.
Giving too much water might make the plant die.
Flower garden make the air in the house cleaner.
The flowers are in full blossom.


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