L17/18A computer car

L17/18A computer car

作者: Simin的快乐法杖 | 来源:发表于2020-12-27 07:53 被阅读0次


1. 一件过去的事  a thing of the past

2. 展览    on display / on exhibition

3. 最棒/糟的是, to top it off

4. 左转  take a left = take / make a left turn

5. 白痴  idiot

6. 一天过得很不顺利   have a bad day

7. go (for) one block and……   理论上go不及物,后应有for,但是习惯省略。类似run,walk 

【语法 | 句子 | 仿写】



sigh——sigh: 深深的叹了一口气You sigh a deep sigh.

dream——dream :  作不及物动词时,需加of :  I always dream  a sweet  dream of her at night.

laugh——laugh:他开怀大笑了起来  The fat man laughed a hearty laugh.

live——life:过着舒适快乐的生活   live a comfortable and happy life.

sleep——sleep:睡得很熟。I slept a really sound sleep.

smile——smile:悲伤地笑了笑。He smiled a sad smile.

【Simin 的转述】

With the progress of science and technology, our life are more and more convenient and comfortable. For example, many years ago, it would be a terrible thing that you can't find your hotel at night when you are in a strange city. You are not probably find some people to ask and you didn't know where you are, which is very terrible. But now, the phenomenon is very rare because car engineers has designed auto computers. 

What's that? It seems like a personal guide. Just give the name of your destination, you can see it on the map and you also find where you are. That sounds very easy? Give it a try!


1. 坠入情网  fall  in love 

4. 在外头用餐   eat out

5. turn + 表情绪/颜色的词    turn pale  / turn gray 

8.   feel like 想要  ///  feel  觉得



      本文标题:L17/18A computer car
