Decorator是一个经典的结构式设计模式,有着非常广泛的应用。在经典的Design Patterns:Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software中,它的用意被描述为:动态地为一个对象添加额外的责任与功能。对于扩展功能,装饰器提供了比子类化更加灵活的替代方案。
import functools
import logging
LOGGER = logging.getLogger('refactor_test')
def refactor_test(comp_func):
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kws):
comp_res = comp_func(*args, **kws)
res = func(*args, **kws)
if res != comp_res:
message = "not equals for function:{} from {}
with arguments:{}-{}".format(func.__name__,
comp_func.__name__, args, kws)
return res
return wrapper
return decorator
def refactor_from(message):
return message
def refactor_to0(message):
return message
def refactor_to1(message):
return "!" + message
if __name__ == '__main__':
refactor_to0('Hello python!')
refactor_to1('Hello python!')
这是非常经典的python decorator实现,是完全透明的,调用者无需关注到我们在调用时候执行了一个refacor_test的过程。refactor_to0是一个符合要求的重构实现,而refactor_to1不是。
对于我们想要解决的问题,在python中,通过装饰器语法,在编码时,就指定了由重构后方法到重构前方法的映射。而如果按照传统的方法实现,我们首先,需要维护一个重构后的方法到重构之前方法的映射表,另外,我们不能为每一个重构的方法都编写一个装饰器方法,不够灵活,过于繁琐。所以,我们需要使用java的反射机制,动态调用方法。第一点也是很繁琐的,或者写到配置文件,或者hard code到代码里,都是极不好的。我们通过java的annotation注解功能来实现。Oracle的官方tutorial中,有对java annotations比较细致的说明。我们来看看如何实现。 (GitHub):
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class RefactorTestUtil {
private static Logger LOGGER = null;
public interface Equality <T, S> {
public boolean isEqual(T obj0, S obj1);
public static void setLogger(Logger logger) {
LOGGER = logger;
@Target( ElementType.METHOD )
@Retention( RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME )
public @interface RefactorTest {
String classRef();
String methodName();
int[] paramClassIndex2ThisParams() default {};
private static void testFailLog(String message, Map.Entry<Class<?>, String> migTo, Map.Entry<Class<?>, String>
migFrom, Object ... params) {
String argsStr = null;
if (params != null && params.length > 0) {
StringBuilder args = new StringBuilder();
for (Object param : params) {
if (args.length() > 0) {
argsStr = args.substring(0, args.length() - 1);
else {
argsStr = args.toString();
String logStr = String.format("[MigrationTest]%s-TO(%s)-FROM-(%s)-ARGS(%s)", message, migTo.toString(),
migFrom.toString(), argsStr);
if (LOGGER != null) {
else {
public static <T> T decorateFunctionWithRefactorTest(Class<?> cls, String method, Object ... params) throws
NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
return decorateFunctionWithRefactorTest(cls, method, new Equality<T, Object>() {
public boolean isEqual(T obj0, Object obj1) {
return obj0.equals(obj1);
}, params);
public static <T, S> T decorateFunctionWithRefactorTest(Class<?> cls, String method,
Equality<T, S> equals, Object... params) throws NoSuchMethodException,
InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
Method refactorTo = TypeUtil.getClassMethodWithNotAccurateTypedParams(cls, method,
if (refactorTo == null) {
throw new NoSuchMethodException(String.format("There is no method %s in class
%s", method, cls
T toResult = (T) refactorTo.invoke(null, params);
RefactorTest refactorAnno = refactorTo.getAnnotation(RefactorTest.class);
String refactorFromCls = refactorAnno.classRef();
String refactorFromMethod = refactorAnno.methodName();
int[] paramClassesIndex = refactorAnno.paramClassIndex2ThisParams();
try {
Class<?> refactorFromClass = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()
Object[] fromParams = null;
if (paramClassesIndex != null && paramClassesIndex.length > 0) {
fromParams = new Object[paramClassesIndex.length];
for (int i = 0; i < paramClassesIndex.length; i ++) {
fromParams[i] = params[paramClassesIndex[i]];
else {
fromParams = params;
Method refactorFrom = TypeUtil.getClassMethodWithNotAccurateTypedParams
(refactorFromClass, refactorFromMethod,
if (refactorFrom == null) {
testFailLog("No refactor-from method found", new AbstractMap.
SimpleEntry<Class<?>, String>(cls, method)
, new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Class<?>,String>
(refactorFromClass, refactorFromMethod), params);
return toResult;
S fromResult = (S) refactorFrom.invoke(null, fromParams);
if (! equals.isEqual(toResult, fromResult)) {
testFailLog("Not equal after refactoring", new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry
<Class<?>, String>(cls, method)
, new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Class<?>, String>
(refactorFromClass, refactorFromMethod), params);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
testFailLog("No refactor-from Class found", new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry
<Class<?>, String>(cls, method), new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Class<?>,
String>(null, refactorFromMethod), params);
} finally {
return toResult;
@interface RefactorTest是一个注解的声明,再待注解的方法前添加@RefactorTest(...),通过三个属性classRef,methodName,paramClassIndex2ThisParams来给定重构前方法及调用参数的不对齐问题。
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
public class TypeUtil {
public static boolean isMatchedBoxingType(Class<?> cls0, Class<?> cls1) {
if (cls0 == null || cls1 == null) {
return false;
if (! cls0.isPrimitive() && ! cls1.isPrimitive()) {
return cls0.equals(cls1);
if (cls0.isPrimitive() && cls1.isPrimitive()) {
return cls0.equals(cls1);
Class<?> primitive = cls0.isPrimitive() ? cls0 : cls1, boxing = cls1.isPrimitive() ? cls0 : cls1;
if (primitive.equals(int.class)) {
return boxing.equals(Integer.class);
if (primitive.equals(short.class)) {
return boxing.equals(Short.class);
if (primitive.equals(float.class)) {
return boxing.equals(Float.class);
if (primitive.equals(double.class)) {
return boxing.equals(Double.class);
if (primitive.equals(boolean.class)) {
return boxing.equals(Boolean.class);
if (primitive.equals(long.class)) {
return boxing.equals(Long.class);
if (primitive.equals(char.class)) {
return boxing.equals(Character.class);
if (primitive.equals(byte.class)) {
return boxing.equals(Byte.class);
return false;
private static boolean isSubClassOf(Class<?> subCls, Class<?> superCls) {
if (subCls == null || superCls == null) {
return false;
if (superCls.equals(Object.class)) {
return true;
if (superCls.isInterface() && ! subCls.isInterface()) {
for (Class<?> interf : subCls.getInterfaces()) {
if (interf.equals(superCls)) {
return true;
return false;
Class<?> cls = subCls;
for (; cls != null && ! cls.equals(superCls); cls = cls.getSuperclass());
return cls != null;
public static Method getClassMethodWithNotAccurateTypedParams(Class<?> cls, String methodName, Object ...
params) {
if (cls == null || methodName == null) {
return null;
Class<?>[] paramClasses = new Class<?>[params.length];
int i = 0;
for (Object param : params) {
paramClasses[i++] = param.getClass();
Method method = null;
try {
method = cls.getMethod(methodName, paramClasses);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
Method[] methods = cls.getMethods();
List<Method> capableMethods = new ArrayList<Method>();
for (Method candidateMethod : methods) {
if (! candidateMethod.getName().equals(methodName)) {
if (! candidateMethod.isVarArgs() && candidateMethod.getParameterTypes().length != params.length) {
Class<?>[] methodParamClasses = candidateMethod.getParameterTypes();
boolean found = true;
for (int j = 0; j < methodParamClasses.length; j ++) {
Class<?> methodParamClass = methodParamClasses[j];
if(! TypeUtil.isInstanceOf(methodParamClass, params[j])) {
found = false;
if (found) {
if (capableMethods.size() == 1) {
method = capableMethods.get(0);
else if (capableMethods.size() > 1) {
for (int pi = 0; pi < params.length; pi ++) {
Class<?> bottom = Object.class;
int mindex = 0;
int bottomCount = 0;
for (int mi = 0; mi < capableMethods.size(); mi ++) {
Method m = capableMethods.get(mi);
Class<?> pclass = m.getParameterTypes()[pi];
if (pclass.equals(bottom) || isMatchedBoxingType(pclass, bottom)) {
bottomCount ++;
if (isSubClassOf(pclass, bottom)) {
bottom = pclass;
mindex = mi;
bottomCount = 1;
if (bottomCount < capableMethods.size() && bottomCount > 0) {
method = capableMethods.get(mindex);
return method;
public static boolean isInstanceOf(Class<?> cls, Object instance) {
if (cls == null) {
return false;
if (instance == null) {
return true;
if (cls.isPrimitive()) {
Class<?> insType = instance.getClass();
return isMatchedBoxingType(cls, insType);
else if (cls.isArray()) {
Class<?> insType = instance.getClass();
if (! insType.isArray()) {
return false;
Class<?> cls0 = cls.getComponentType(), cls1 = insType.getComponentType();
if (isMatchedBoxingType(cls0, cls1)) {
return true;
return cls.isInstance(instance);
public class Util {
public static String refactorFrom(String message, int time) {
return message + "(" + time + ")";
classRef = "Util",
methodName = "refactorFrom"
public static String refactorTo0(String message, int time) {
return message + "(" + time + ")";
classRef = "Util",
methodName = "refactorFrom",
paramClassIndex2ThisParams = {1, 0}
public static String refactorTo1(int time, String message) {
return message + "(" + time + ")";
classRef = "Util",
methodName = "refactorFrom"
public static String refactorTo2(String message, int time) {
return message + "[" + time + "]";
refactorTo0, refactorTo1, refactorTo2都是重构自refactorFrom。其中refactorTo1更换了参数类型的顺序,使用了paramClassIndex2ThisParams参数。而refactorTo2是一个会被报告错误的重构函数。我们做如下的测试:
public RefactorTestUtilTest {
public void testDecorateFunctionWithRefactorTest() {
String message = "OK";
int time = 3;
assertEquals(message + "(" + time + ")", RefactorUtil.
decorateFunctionWithRefactorTest(Util.class, "refactorTo0", message, time);
assertEquals(message + "(" + time + ")", RefactorUtil.
decorateFunctionWithRefactorTest(Util.class, "refactorTo1", time, message);
assertEquals(message + "[" + time + "]", RefactorUtil.
decorateFunctionWithRefactorTest(Util.class, "refactorTo2", message, time);