

作者: peizhenjy | 来源:发表于2017-09-21 16:53 被阅读15次



    Questions 12–18

    At an upcoming exhibition, four art students—Franz, Greene, Hidalgo, and Isaacs—will each display exactly two paintings—an oil and awatercolor. Exactly two paintings will be displayed on each of the walls of theexhibition room—walls

    1, 2, 3, and 4—withone painting in the upper position and one in the lower position. The followingconditions will apply:

    No wall has only watercolors displayed on it.

    No wall has the work of only one student displayedon it.

    No wall has both a painting by Franz and a paintingby Isaacs displayed on it.

    Greene’s watercolor is displayed in the upper position of the wall on which Franz’s oil is displayed. Isaacs’s oil is displayed in the lower position of wall 4.

    12. Which one of the following could be an accuratelist of the paintings displayed in the lower position on walls 1 through 4,listed in that order?

    (A) Franz’s oil, Franz’s

    watercolor, Greene’s oil,

    Isaacs’s oil

    (B) Franz’s oil, Hidalgo’s

    watercolor, Isaacs’s

    watercolor, Isaacs’s oil

    (C) Greene’s oil, Franz’s oil,

    Isaacs’s oil,

    Hidalgo’s oil

    (D) Hidalgo’s oil, Greene’s oil, Greene’s watercolor, Isaacs’s oil

    (E) Hidalgo’s watercolor, Franz’s oil, Greene’s oil, Isaacs’s oil

    13. If Isaacs’s watercolor is displayed on wall 2 and Franz’s oil is displayed on wall 3, which one of thefollowing must be displayed on wall 1?

    (A) Franz’s watercolor

    (B) Greene’s oil

    (C) Greene’s watercolor

    (D) Hidalgo’s oil

    (E) Hidalgo’s watercolor

    14. If Hidalgo’s oil is displayed on wall 2, which one of thefollowing could also be displayed on wall 2?

    (A) Franz’s oil

    (B) Greene’s watercolor

    (C) Greene’s oil

    (D) Hidalgo’s watercolor

    (E) Isaacs’s watercolor

    15. If Greene’s oil is displayed on the same wall as Franz’s watercolor, which one of the following must betrue?

    (A) Greene’s oil is displayed in an upper position.

    (B) Hidalgo’s watercolor is displayed on the same wall as


    (C) Hidalgo’s oil is displayed in an upper position.

    (D) Hidalgo’s oil is displayed on the same wall as Isaacs’s watercolor.

    (E) Isaacs’s watercolor is displayed in a lower position.

    16. If Franz’s oil is displayed on wall 1, which one of thefollowing could be true?

    (A) Franz’s watercolor is displayed on wall 4.

    (B) Greene’s oil is displayed on wall 2.

    (C) Greene’s watercolor is displayed on wall 2.

    (D) Hidalgo’s watercolor is displayed on wall 3.

    (E) Isaacs’s oil is displayed on wall 1.

    17. Which one of the following could be true?

    (A) Both of Franz’s paintings and both of Greene’s paintings are displayed in lower positions.

    (B) Both of Franz’s paintings and both of Greene’s paintings are displayed in upper positions.

    (C) Both of Franz’s paintings and both of Hidalgo’s paintings are displayed in upper positions.

    (D) Both of Greene’s paintings and both of Hidalgo’s paintings are displayed in lower positions.

    (E) Both of Greene’s paintings and both of Hidalgo’s paintings are displayed in upper positions.

    18. Which one of the following CANNOT be true?

    (A) Franz’s watercolor is displayed on the same wall as Greene’s oil.

    (B) Franz’s watercolor is displayed on the same wall as Hidalgo’s oil.

    (C) Greene’s oil is displayed in an upper position.

    (D) Hidalgo’s watercolor is displayed in a lower position.

    (E) Isaacs’s watercolor is displayed on the same wall as Hidalgo’s oil.




