

作者: zhoujj2013 | 来源:发表于2020-01-05 19:10 被阅读0次


Scripts to copy Rocks Clusters roll isos to a generic (linux) webserver for faster local hosting

Purpose: Rocks 7.0 frontends require a web server to have rolls "installed" to download. Sometimes distance or
other issues indicate that a local copy on an existing (non-Rocks) web-server would be much better. The scripts in this
repository help with that.

There are four scripts defined in this roll

  • rollcopy.sh - copy a roll iso contents for web serving
  • index.cgi - cgi to present roll directory in a standard format
  • httpdconf.sh (optional) - defines a virtual server httpd configuration file
  • unpack-guides (optional) - unpacks roll users guides into a web-servable directory

0. Preparation

  • clone this repository git clone https://github.com/rocksclusters/roll-server.git
  • download the roll isos from UCSD.

I. Copy Roll(s) to a web directory
For this example, will assume the /var/www/html/rocks/7.0 is the (already created) parent directory into
which you want to copy rolls. The rollcopy.sh script will create the subdirectory install/rolls.
to copy the iso file, CentOS-7.4.1708-0.x86_64.disk1.iso to the the release directory:

# rollcopy.sh CentOS-7.4.1708-0.x86_64.disk1.iso /var/www/html/rocks/7.0

Repeat the above for each roll iso that you want to copy

II. Make certain that the supplied index.cgi script gives the directory listing

# cp index.cgi /var/www/html/rocks/7.0/install/rolls

You will probably need to add something like the following in your Apache
configuration, so that the directory index is given via the index.cgi

# allow all access to the rolls RPMS
<Directory /var/www/html/rocks/7.0/install/rolls>
    AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
        Options FollowSymLinks Indexes ExecCGI
        DirectoryIndex /rocks/7.0/install/rolls/index.cgi
        Allow from all

(See below for an example of how to test and verify that your index.cgi is being
called properly)

III. (Optional) provide a virtual httpd server
The script httpdconf.sh will write to standard output a reasonable stanza for Apache web server configuration.
Suppose that you wanted the virtual server to be called rocks-7.my.org and have it used the directory above.

httpdconf.sh rocks-7-0.my.org /var/www/html/rocks/7.0

will generate an httpds conf file. It is your responsibility to place this on the appropriate directory and restart
your webserver.

IV. (Optional) unpack the userguides
You can unpack userguides

unpack-guides.sh /var/www/html/rocks/7.0/install/rolls /var/www/html/rocks/7.0

V. Verifying that your output is correct (that is, index.cgi is being called)

wget -O - http://central-7-0-x86-64.rocksclusters.org/install/rolls

and compare the output of the rocks central server listing of rolls to
your website, something like

wget -O - http://rocks-7-0.my.org/install/rolls

You should see output very similar to

TTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 877 [text/html]
Saving to: ‘STDOUT’

 0% [                                       ] 0           --.-K/s              <html><body><table><tr><td>
<a href="area51/">area51/</a>
<a href="base/">base/</a>
<a href="CentOS/">CentOS/</a>
<a href="core/">core/</a>
<a href="fingerprint/">fingerprint/</a>
<a href="ganglia/">ganglia/</a>
<a href="hpc/">hpc/</a>
<a href="htcondor/">htcondor/</a>
<a href="kernel/">kernel/</a>
<a href="kvm/">kvm/</a>
<a href="openvswitch/">openvswitch/</a>
<a href="perl/">perl/</a>
<a href="python/">python/</a>
<a href="sge/">sge/</a>
<a href="Updates-CentOS-7.4.1708/">Updates-CentOS-7.4.1708/</a>
<a href="zfs-linux/">zfs-linux/</a>
100%[======================================>] 877         --.-K/s   in 0s     

VI. Verifying that rolls directories can be listed

The rolls themselves need be listed. Try the following

wget -O -  http://central-7-0-x86-64.rocksclusters.org/install/rolls/base/7.0/x86_64

and verify that when you use your roll server instead that you get the same output

VII. Other items to check

The following may need to be checked/changed for your setup:

  • Firewall needs modifying on your web server to allow http access (platform sepcific)

  • SELinux may need to be modified or turned off (e.g., setenforce Permissive)



