CocoaPods 1.2.1 is available.
after To update use: `gem install cocoapods`
I was trying to add sqlite3 to a target. As follows is an example of my Podfile:
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, 7.0'
use _frameworks!
target 'SampleApp' do
#various pods
target ‘stcTarget’ do
pod ‘sqlite3’
When I ranpod install, I received the following error:
[!] Unable to find host target(s) for stcTarget. Please add the host targets for the embedded targets in the Podfile.
I confirmed that the stcTarget was spelled correctly in both the Podfile and in Xcode.
1. Backup the Podfile.
$ mv Podfile Podfile.bak
2. Create a new Podfile.
$ pod init
3. Copy and paste the target configuration from the Podfile.bak to the new Podfile.
4. Install the pods.
$ pod install
今天再次测试 发现 1.2.1 存在这个问题 建议切换回1.2.0可解决