Day 3 综合笔记

Day 3 综合笔记

作者: 小芋头爱吃肉 | 来源:发表于2017-03-01 19:04 被阅读0次

About  article

This article is a brief review of the history of science. It can be roughly divided into 3 parts: methods, progression of idea and history. A clear frame offers  a easy way to recall what are told in the essay.

A viewpoint refered in the essay is that the science discoveries may be made simultaneously by scientist working independently, but almost every advance depends in some measure on previous work and theories. However, the author only allocates little space for this topic. The essay goes on with the time line but not the logic line. I guess this essay will be more integrated if the following parts devolope according to causality.

It is very common to encourter lots of terms in a science essay, which means that should get more than literal information.So it is a brilliant chance to enrich your knowledge. In this essay, I did a deep research about some unfamiliar terms and great people. I also reviewed the name of 7 planets. 

good sentence

 If one object had twice the weight of another, it would fall twice as fast.

Discoveries maybe made simultaneouslyby scientists working independently, but almost every advance depends in some measure on previous work and theories.

Meanwhile, inIndia,China, and theMediterranean, people tried to make sense of themovements of the heavenly bodies(天体).



      本文标题:Day 3 综合笔记
