Problem of gcc solved for Xuqing:
2017-11-09 log by Carlos Allen.
Reason of this issue:
Shell run gcc on the path of "/usr/local/bin/gcc" with the version of gcc-6.3.0;
But update-alternatives --config change gcc with the path of "/usr/bin/gcc" with the version of gcc-4.8;
So I set the "/usr/local/bin/gcc" to the "/usr/local/bin/gcc.old";
And then "cp /usr/bin/gcc /usr/local/bin/gcc.old";
However, when we run "update-alternatives" for gcc version change, it can not apply to the "/usr/local/bin/gcc";
So after they all go, I updated the "cp"ed gcc, instead by create a soft link for /usr/bin/gcc under the name of "/usr/local/bin/gcc";
Then,everything is okay.
Additionally, last time I debug a "python lib skilearn can not run" with the error of "libstdc++.so6 not match the version needed";
Realized that libstdc++ needed is actually a softlink, I change it to the "old" and create a new one relink to the version needed.
For debug today s problem, I try changing it back, but not work "as I exoected".
Finally, after the bug is okay, I change it back.
So, everything is okay by now.