I sang for you today

I sang for you today

作者: PriscillaKwan | 来源:发表于2020-12-03 23:08 被阅读0次

THE harvest is ready, isn't it?

Did you outreach to anyone today?

Is it the best timing?

I tried something new today

Prayerfully hoping that it will come to be and be a blessing for many out there

However, living for others could be extremely hard sometimes

As I was crying out loud from my heart, I started to sing

I wanted to say that I sang about you

But I decide to say that I sang for you

I sang to the only one who shall matter the most to us

I sang that whatever comes our ways we should not let anything be in the way, not even ourselves

I sang that we are not to live an imaginary life but step out in faith however crazy itcan get one day

It was like speaking to one's soul and I hope that you receive something sensational today and let NO distraction get your attention

We need to die in order to truly live

A seed has been sowed

Let's continue to help it grow in FULL JOY

A seed

I'm quite pleased with the fact that there's beauty in so many corners waiting for us to find

Provision is so great that I got to glimpse miracles in different corners of the world

Humbly encouraged that some ideas created out there are now blessing someone else and now it bless me again

JOY is always the way to go and it can go to all nations


There are different choices to make in one day

Try harder to make better ones and always look up before you look back, look around or look forward


People have different standards of beauty

Light itself doesn't have a say

But the one who creates light does


Peace can be like a river

Waiting for you in quietness


Walk and talk

That's the way to go

I wish you were able to join the conversation but I find it precious to be the way it is


A cross represents so rich a meaning

I'm sure those who you sent here will celebrate one day with many

May more lives be saved

Eternal hope

I think of two special ones

I so desire you to meet them

They are so great a blessing to me


Restful hours for some are working hours for others

We all have a different life

Embrace this hour for the next one is uniquely different


For the three of us

May us always keep THE first thing first


Stop for a while and listen

Something is happening...

To be continued...

I am thankful for today even it's far from perfect

For connection

For sharing in English or Chinese

For special talks

For the life song I sang for you

May it never be about me

2020.12.03 11.05



      本文标题:I sang for you today
