1addiction:strong,anxious attachment; clinging behavior粘著行为 ;anxiety at thought of losing partner.
2art:love of partner for physical attractiveness;importance to person of partner‘s always looking good.
3business:relationships as business propositions(业务) ;money is power ;partners in close relationships as business partners.
4collection:partner viewed as "fitting in" some overall scheme方案;partner viewed in a detached way.独立的
5cookbook:doing things a certain way (recipe)results in relationship being more likely to work out;departure from recipe for success leads to increased likelihood of failure.
6fantasy(幻想): often expects to be saved by a knight in shining armor or to marry a princess and live happily ever after.常常期望被身披闪亮盔甲的骑士拯救,或者嫁给王子
7game:love as a game or spot.
8gardening:relationships need to be continually nurtured and tended to.
9government:(a) autocratic .one partner dominates or controls the other;(b) democratic ,two partners share power equally.
10history:events of relationship form an indelible record ;keep a lot of records,either mental or material.
11horror:relationships become interesting when you terrorize or are terrorized by your partner.
12house and home:relationships have their core in the home人际关系以家庭为核心,through its development and maintenance.
13humor:love is a strange and funny.
14mystery(神秘的事物):love is a mystery , and you should not let too much of yourself be known.
15police:you are got to keep close tabs on your partner to make sure he or she toes the line,or you need to be under surveillance to make sure you behave.
16pornography(色情书刊):love is dirty,and to love is to degrade (贬低)or be degraded(被贬低).
17recovery(恢复):survivor mentality(幸存者心态);view that after past trauma,a person can get through practically anything.
18religion(宗教):views love either as a religion or as a set of feelings and activities dictated by religion.
19science:love can be understood ,analyzed,and dissected,just like any other natural phenomenon.
20science fiction:feeling that partner is like an alien-incomprehensible 外星人无法理解and very strange.
21sewing(缝纫):love is whatever you make it .
22theater剧院:love is scripted,with predictable acts, scenes,and lines.
23travel :love is a journey.
24war: love is a series of battles in a devastating but continuing war.
25student-teacher :love is a relationship between a student and a teacher.