pitch这个词来源于棒球运动,指的是头球手将球投掷到本垒以开始比赛的过程。这个词后来用到了商业中,指的是saleman approach potential client的过程,那么pitch letter就指的是在pitch这个过程中用到的材料或者是报告。之所以会用这个词是因为投球手在投掷球的时候,球会飞向捕手的脸(捕手是蹲在本垒的)。那么在sale的过程中,你的pitch同样要给客户非常强烈的冲击感,所以用了pitch这个词,非常形象。而pitch script指的就是saleman跟客户说的那些话。
e.g.如果你写了一本英文书,想卖到中国。你该来找我们。我们有一本书在两个月前上了 amazon 畅销榜榜首。Fiberead 是个市场(marketplace)。我们有译者能够帮你的书翻译成中文。然后,我们会将你的书卖到亚马逊等电子书店。我们会给你提供营销上的帮助,让你的书卖得更多。你不用预付费给我们。我们和你,还有译者一起从收入里分成。
pitch与presentation的区别:Pitch 一般就是我们参加 Demo Day,或者一些创业大赛时,公开展示时间在 10 分钟以下的任何活动。而 Presentation 一般是一个小时以上,你和投资人在一个会议室里,一页页地细说你的商业计划书。
1、500 Startups创始人:Dave McClure
2、红点投资合伙人:Tomasz Tunguz
3、红杉资本管理合伙人:Douglas Leone
4、Andreessen Horowitz联合创始人:Marc Andreessen
Marc Andreessen表示他们首先会问创业者,你在哪里长大。事实上这个问题是引导演说者进行自我介绍、讲述真实故事并观察应变能力的一个压力测试。
5、创业教父、Y Combinator创始人:Paul Graham
要在融资pitch中尽早地说明你在做什么,最好是在第一句话就讲清楚,譬如“我们是Jeff 和Bob,我们建立了一个易于使用的网络数据库,下面我们会在展示这个数据库的同时向大家解释为什么人们会需要它。”
二、Sample Media Pitch Letter:Highlighting Your Product
One thing I always tell my PR students is:You don’t have to write a press release to get media exposure.
A media pitch is much easier to prepare than a press release and, done right, it can get you that media interview or feature.
Amedia pitchis simply a brief letter you send to a reporter to get them interested to do a story on you. In this blog post, I’ll show you how to write one of the simplest media pitches, the product-oriented media pitch.
This type of media pitch can be three to five paragraphs long. I’ll break down each part of the media pitch to you and end with asample media pitch letterthat follows this template.
1. Headline
Go for a quirky headline. One that makes the reader go, “Huh? What could this be?” Strive to write a headline that arouses curiosity.
Don’t mention the company name yet in the headline. If your company isn’t well known, then you’re wasting prime space by mentioning it in your headline. It’s not going to mean anything to the editor.
If you’re having trouble coming up with an interesting headline, skip that first and write it last. This can be the most difficult part of the media pitch to write. However, don’t let this stop you from completing and sending out your media pitch!
2. First Paragraph
Get to the point and pitch your company or product. Summarize why the editor’s audience would be interested in your offering.
3. Second Paragraph
In the second and third paragraphs, address the who, what, where, why and how of your business. What do you do and for whom? How do you deliver your product or service, and at what price? Who’s the best user of your product or service? How can they access it?
3. Third Paragraph
This is a good place to put a testimonial. Choose the best one you have to demonstrate how your product or service benefits your customers. The more details you can give about the source of the testimonial, the better. You don’t want the editors to doubt that your testimonial is genuine.
4. Fourth Paragraph
Make an offer. In the media pitch sample below, I offered to send a sample of the product. For small items, you can give your product samples away. For higher-ticket items, it’s okay to ask for them in return or send a photo that they can publish with their story. Many magazines look at samples then send them back. In that case, you can say you’re willing to send a product for review for 30 days.
5. Final Paragraph
End with a call to action. In the sample media pitch below, the call to action was to call the contact person. Make sure you include your name, email address, and telephone number.
In a few short paragraphs, you can provide the editor all the information he or she needs to decide whether you’re a good subject for their publication.
Here’s a sample media pitch letter following this formula:
Dear Editor
I think your readers would appreciate our new website called www.monthlysocks.com.
We deliver a brand new pair of cushy men’s dress socks every month by mail – just like a magazine subscription. For about $6 a month including shipping anywhere in Canada and the US, subscribers have the benefit of having at least one matched pair of socks in their drawer, eliminating the panic of having to buy them at the airport drugstore.
Jude, a customer, says: “I thought the idea of getting socks in the mail was funny, whimsical, and practical. How many gifts can you say that about? I got a subscription for my husband who, like most of us, always intends to buy new socks but just never gets around to it. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve been out, the shoes come off, and there are his toes, a glowing white beacon of embarrassment. My husband was a little skeptical about this service-until the first pair of socks arrived. They’re very well made, soft, and the padding on the bottom feels great. I know because I’ve ‘borrowed’ them several times, as has my daughter.”
I would be happy to send you a sample so you can credibly prove to your readers that this is in fact a great product and service.
I appreciate your time and consideration for what www.monthlysocks.com has to offer. If you’re interested in learning more, please email Elena Verlee at email@address.com or call me at 123-4567-890.
If you would like more step-by-step guidance on how to get free media coverage and publicity for your business — without ever having to write a single press release — I invite you to look at “How to Do Your Own PR: A Guide for Small Businesses.” It’s a two-hour teleclass where you’ll learn a doable and effective system for getting PR for your small biz.