作者: 胡小椒Vivi | 来源:发表于2018-01-18 18:12 被阅读0次


1 Why happiness is a problem?

Happiness is not a solvable equation.Dissatisfation and unease are inherent parts of human nature,necessary components to creating consistent happiness.

2 Why the author invented Disappointment Panda?What is it for?

Because it would be the hero that none of us would want but all of us would need.You love it even more despite making you feel horrible,cause it feels real.

It is proved that life is essentially an endless series of problems.The solution to one problem is merely the creation of the next one.

3 What is the role that emotions play in our life?Why they are overrated ?

Emotions are part of the equation of our lives,but not the entire equation.Something feels good doesn't mean it is good and vice versa.

Because emotions are merely signposts,suggestions that our neurobiology gives us,not commandments.Therefore,we shouldn't always trust our own emotions,we should make a habit of questioning them.

4 Why you don't have chiseled abs?

The keyword is lazy.I don't take this seriously,and I'd rather be a coach potato than go to the gym.I can't weather the bad weather,I can't "waste" my time for the fitness.


Our struggles determine our success.
Our problems birth our happiness,along with slightly better,slighterly upgrated.
What we gain is also what we lose.
What creates our positive experiences will define our negative experience.

书中这四句话印象很深。一方面作者哲学一般强调得到即失去,正面能量也会影响到负面情绪;另一方面也说明成就感来源于我们切实不断解决一个又一个难题。反观自身,刚出校门真是空有满腔热血壮志凌云,求职面试高不成低不就,走了数不清的弯路。从文员到销售,换一个迷茫一个,不知道自己要什么,更不知道自己适合什么。现在想来得到一份工作你的状态和心态积累会直接影响下一份工作的质量。“No working is uninteresting if you can think how to do it differently."后来接触到英语培训这个行业,我不再空想而是付出实际行动。从班主任到主持人再到老师,从一无所知到拿本子做好工作笔记到修了改改了修,从胆怯小声到自信流利,一步步缓慢而踏实。前年无意了解到专业的“塔客学院”,报名。去年也是看到塔客学院的老师推荐张老师的微信公众号,关注。两者都给了我很大的鼓舞和帮助!现在从一名教学小白到可以自信跟老板谈课酬,也可以独立开班。Yeah,"slightly upgrated."一个一个级别升级打怪物一样,真切感受到越学越快乐。


1.not all that it was cracked up to be:没有预想的好

e.g I forgot to sign up the interview of teacher certification, so it wasn't all that it was cracked up to be.


e.g Happiness means eating and sleeping well,so food is a constant for my half-year-old baby. wired to :倾向于。也可以表达:be hard-wired to。同类表达还有be conditioned to,be indoctrinated to,tend to

e.g The very first statement in the primer is that“the nature of man is originally good”,but as time slips by,we are wired to make the best use of advantages and bypass the disadvantages.

4. totem pole:本意“图腾柱”,常用来表示人的地位。

e.g It seems like she is the low woman on the family’s totem pole,cause she is the one who shovels the caked water.


*There lived*in a palace a king who was going to have a son.

除了there be句型以及there加动词,如there lived,there remains,there entered,there followed,there还可用于引起注意,加强语气。

e.g There goes the bus.Hurry up!

      There you go again.


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