ExoPlayer 源码分析 一 HLS 拉流及播放流程
ExoPlayer 源码分析 二 类图 & 名词解释
ExoPlayer 源码分析 三 变速播放
ExoPlayer 源码分析 四 缓存策略
ExoPlayer 源码分析 五 码率自适应
本文基于 ExoPlayer 2.13.2 。
DASH 和 Hls 都可以提供不同码率的流,ExoPlayer 使用 BandwidthMeter 来计算带宽,它的默认实现是 DefaultBandwidthMeter 。
public interface BandwidthMeter extends TransferListener {
public interface EventListener {
* Invoked periodically to indicate that bytes have been transferred.
void onBandwidthSample(int elapsedMs, long bytes, long bitrate);
* Indicates no bandwidth estimate is available.
final long NO_ESTIMATE = -1;
* Gets the estimated bandwidth, in bits/sec.
* @return Estimated bandwidth in bits/sec, or {@link #NO_ESTIMATE} if no estimate is available.
long getBitrateEstimate();
public final class DefaultBandwidthMeter implements BandwidthMeter {
public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_WEIGHT = 2000;
private final Handler eventHandler;
private final EventListener eventListener;
private final Clock clock;
// 计算码率的工具,使用 moving average 来计算
private final SlidingPercentile slidingPercentile;
// 一个计算周期接受的字节数
private long bytesAccumulator;
// 一个计算周期的开始时间
private long startTimeMs;
// 带宽估值
private long bitrateEstimate;
private int streamCount;
public DefaultBandwidthMeter() {
this(null, null);
public DefaultBandwidthMeter(Handler eventHandler, EventListener eventListener) {
this(eventHandler, eventListener, new SystemClock());
public DefaultBandwidthMeter(Handler eventHandler, EventListener eventListener, Clock clock) {
this(eventHandler, eventListener, clock, DEFAULT_MAX_WEIGHT);
public DefaultBandwidthMeter(Handler eventHandler, EventListener eventListener, int maxWeight) {
this(eventHandler, eventListener, new SystemClock(), maxWeight);
public DefaultBandwidthMeter(Handler eventHandler, EventListener eventListener, Clock clock,
int maxWeight) {
this.eventHandler = eventHandler;
this.eventListener = eventListener;
this.clock = clock;
this.slidingPercentile = new SlidingPercentile(maxWeight);
bitrateEstimate = NO_ESTIMATE;
public synchronized long getBitrateEstimate() {
return bitrateEstimate;
public synchronized void onTransferStart() {
if (streamCount == 0) {
startTimeMs = clock.elapsedRealtime();
public synchronized void onBytesTransferred(int bytes) {
bytesAccumulator += bytes;
public synchronized void onTransferEnd() {
Assertions.checkState(streamCount > 0);
long nowMs = clock.elapsedRealtime();
int elapsedMs = (int) (nowMs - startTimeMs);
if (elapsedMs > 0) {
// 单位用的是字节和毫秒所以要 *8000
float bitsPerSecond = (bytesAccumulator * 8000) / elapsedMs;
slidingPercentile.addSample((int) Math.sqrt(bytesAccumulator), bitsPerSecond);
// 使用 slidingPercentile.getPercentile 计算出带宽估值
float bandwidthEstimateFloat = slidingPercentile.getPercentile(0.5f);
bitrateEstimate = Float.isNaN(bandwidthEstimateFloat) ? NO_ESTIMATE
: (long) bandwidthEstimateFloat;
notifyBandwidthSample(elapsedMs, bytesAccumulator, bitrateEstimate);
if (streamCount > 0) {
startTimeMs = nowMs;
bytesAccumulator = 0;
private void notifyBandwidthSample(final int elapsedMs, final long bytes, final long bitrate) {
if (eventHandler != null && eventListener != null) {
eventHandler.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
eventListener.onBandwidthSample(elapsedMs, bytes, bitrate);
slidingPercentile.addSample((int) Math./sqrt/(bytesAccumulator), bitsPerSecond) 会将当前采样周期传输的字节开方以及传输速率封装成一个 Sample 放入 SlidingPercentile 中的集合里。
向集合中添加 Sample 的时候会保证当前所有 Sample 的总 weight 保持在设定的 maxWeight 以下,如果超出则移除最早添加的数据。
* Compute the percentile by integration.
* @param percentile The desired percentile, expressed as a fraction in the range (0,1].
* @return The requested percentile value or Float.NaN.
public float getPercentile(float percentile) {
// Sample 按 value 从小到大排列
float desiredWeight = percentile * totalWeight;
int accumulatedWeight = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < samples.size(); i++) {
Sample currentSample = samples.get(i);
// weight 相加
accumulatedWeight += currentSample.weight;
// 向加后的 weight 达到 desiredWeight 时返回当前 sample 的value
if (accumulatedWeight >= desiredWeight) {
return currentSample.value;
// Clamp to maximum value or NaN if no values.
return samples.isEmpty() ? Float.NaN : samples.get(samples.size() - 1).value;
Hls 码率切换
切换时机 & 条件
Hls 码率切换的代码在 HlsChunkSource#getChunkOperation 中,它首先会通过 getNextVariantIndex 获得一个候选 Variant id,其主要步骤及条件如下:
- 根据预估带宽获取候选 Variant id 即 idealIndex。
- 切向码率更低的流,缓存数据的可用时间要小于 20 s。
- 切向码率更高的流,缓存数据的可用时间要大于 5 s。
得到 Variant index 之后会回到 getChunkOperation 代码如下:
public void getChunkOperation(TsChunk previousTsChunk, long playbackPositionUs,
ChunkOperationHolder out) {
int previousChunkVariantIndex =
previousTsChunk == null ? -1 : getVariantIndex(previousTsChunk.format);
// 下一个 VariantIndex
int nextVariantIndex = getNextVariantIndex(previousTsChunk, playbackPositionUs);
boolean switchingVariant = previousTsChunk != null
&& previousChunkVariantIndex != nextVariantIndex;
HlsMediaPlaylist mediaPlaylist = variantPlaylists[nextVariantIndex];
if (mediaPlaylist == null) {
// We don't have the media playlist for the next variant. Request it now.
// 当前不存在特定的 media playlist 需要请求
out.chunk = newMediaPlaylistChunk(nextVariantIndex);
selectedVariantIndex = nextVariantIndex;
int chunkMediaSequence;
// 根据 live 与否,计算下一个 Chunk 的 MediaSequence
if (live) {
if (previousTsChunk == null) {
chunkMediaSequence = getLiveStartChunkSequenceNumber(selectedVariantIndex);
} else {
chunkMediaSequence = getLiveNextChunkSequenceNumber(previousTsChunk.chunkIndex,
previousChunkVariantIndex, selectedVariantIndex);
if (chunkMediaSequence < mediaPlaylist.mediaSequence) {
fatalError = new BehindLiveWindowException();
} else {
// Not live.
if (previousTsChunk == null) {
chunkMediaSequence = Util.binarySearchFloor(mediaPlaylist.segments, playbackPositionUs,
true, true) + mediaPlaylist.mediaSequence;
} else if (switchingVariant) {
chunkMediaSequence = Util.binarySearchFloor(mediaPlaylist.segments,
previousTsChunk.startTimeUs, true, true) + mediaPlaylist.mediaSequence;
} else {
chunkMediaSequence = previousTsChunk.getNextChunkIndex();
int chunkIndex = chunkMediaSequence - mediaPlaylist.mediaSequence;
if (chunkIndex >= mediaPlaylist.segments.size()) {
if (!mediaPlaylist.live) {
out.endOfStream = true;
} else if (shouldRerequestLiveMediaPlaylist(selectedVariantIndex)) {
out.chunk = newMediaPlaylistChunk(selectedVariantIndex);
Hls 的 RollingSampleBuffer 缓存在 DefaultTrackOutput 中,码率切换时会创建新的 DefaultTrackOutput,解码时只需要选一个合适的时机切换 DefaultTrackOutput就好了。
- DefaultTrackOutput 中有个变量:spliceOutTimeUs 控制当前缓存需要切出时间。
- 当有多个 HlsExtractorWrapper 时会计算这个时间。
- 时间到了切换到下一个 HlsExtractorWrapper
DefaultTrackOutput. configureSpliceTo
public boolean configureSpliceTo(DefaultTrackOutput nextQueue) {
if (spliceOutTimeUs != Long.MIN_VALUE) {
// We've already configured the splice.
return true;
long firstPossibleSpliceTime;
if (rollingBuffer.peekSample(sampleInfoHolder)) {
firstPossibleSpliceTime = sampleInfoHolder.timeUs;
} else {
firstPossibleSpliceTime = lastReadTimeUs + 1;
RollingSampleBuffer nextRollingBuffer = nextQueue.rollingBuffer;
while (nextRollingBuffer.peekSample(sampleInfoHolder)
&& (sampleInfoHolder.timeUs < firstPossibleSpliceTime || !sampleInfoHolder.isSyncFrame())) {
// Discard samples from the next queue for as long as they are before the earliest possible
// splice time, or not keyframes.
if (nextRollingBuffer.peekSample(sampleInfoHolder)) {
// We've found a keyframe in the next queue that can serve as the splice point. Set the
// splice point now.
spliceOutTimeUs = sampleInfoHolder.timeUs;
return true;
return false;
private boolean advanceToEligibleSample() {
boolean haveNext = rollingBuffer.peekSample(sampleInfoHolder);
if (needKeyframe) {
while (haveNext && !sampleInfoHolder.isSyncFrame()) {
haveNext = rollingBuffer.peekSample(sampleInfoHolder);
if (!haveNext) {
return false;
// 如果sampleInfoHolder.timeUs 超过了spliceOutTimeUs 返回 false
if (spliceOutTimeUs != Long.MIN_VALUE && sampleInfoHolder.timeUs >= spliceOutTimeUs) {
return false;
return true;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return !advanceToEligibleSample();
读取数据的时候会判断缓存是否为空,这时候就用到了上面计算的 spliceOutTimeUs 。
DASH 码率切换
切换代码在 FormatEvaluator 中,代码如下:
public void evaluate(List<? extends MediaChunk> queue, long playbackPositionUs,
Format[] formats, Evaluation evaluation) {
long bufferedDurationUs = queue.isEmpty() ? 0
: queue.get(queue.size() - 1).endTimeUs - playbackPositionUs;
Format current = evaluation.format;
// 根据带宽选择一个合适的 Format
Format ideal = determineIdealFormat(formats, bandwidthMeter.getBitrateEstimate());
// 是否码率提升
boolean isHigher = ideal != null && current != null && ideal.bitrate > current.bitrate;
// 是否码率降低
boolean isLower = ideal != null && current != null && ideal.bitrate < current.bitrate;
if (isHigher) {
// 码率提升但是当前缓存小于 10s,放弃
if (bufferedDurationUs < minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs) {
// The ideal format is a higher quality, but we have insufficient buffer to
// safely switch up. Defer switching up for now.
ideal = current;
} else if (bufferedDurationUs >= minDurationToRetainAfterDiscardUs) {
// We're switching from an SD stream to a stream of higher resolution. Consider
// discarding already buffered media chunks. Specifically, discard media chunks starting
// from the first one that is of lower bandwidth, lower resolution and that is not HD.
for (int i = 1; i < queue.size(); i++) {
MediaChunk thisChunk = queue.get(i);
long durationBeforeThisSegmentUs = thisChunk.startTimeUs - playbackPositionUs;
if (durationBeforeThisSegmentUs >= minDurationToRetainAfterDiscardUs
&& thisChunk.format.bitrate < ideal.bitrate
&& thisChunk.format.height < ideal.height
&& thisChunk.format.height < 720
&& thisChunk.format.width < 1280) {
// Discard chunks from this one onwards.
evaluation.queueSize = i;
} else if (isLower && current != null
&& bufferedDurationUs >= maxDurationForQualityDecreaseUs) {
// 向低码率转换,但是当前缓存足够,先不转
// The ideal format is a lower quality, but we have sufficient buffer to defer switching
// down for now.
ideal = current;
if (current != null && ideal != current) {
evaluation.trigger = Chunk.TRIGGER_ADAPTIVE;
evaluation.format = ideal;
- 向高码率切换,当前缓存需要大于 10s。
- 向低码率切换,当前缓存需要小于 25s。
与 Hls 会使用多个 DefaultTrackOutput 来缓存数据不同,DASH 仅使用一个(音频、视频、字幕流各有一个) DefaultTrackOutput 来保存数据。在码率切换的时候如果是码率提升切已缓存数据大于 25 s,那就要丢掉一部分数据然后加载更高码率的数据。
- 计算出从哪块开始加载新的数据
- 这块之后的缓存数据丢弃。
- 从这块开始加载更高码率的数据
代码中记录这「块」的索引的变量是 queueSize。
1、计算在上面贴出 FormatEvaluator evaluate 方法中,这里再贴一遍。
// 码率提升但是当前缓存小于 10s,放弃
if (bufferedDurationUs < minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs) {
// The ideal format is a higher quality, but we have insufficient buffer to
// safely switch up. Defer switching up for now.
ideal = current;
} else if (bufferedDurationUs >= minDurationToRetainAfterDiscardUs) {
// 如果已经缓存的数据很多,这时候我们只要保留一部分数据来满足当前观看,然后缓存更高质量的数据
// minDurationToRetainAfterDiscardUs(25s) 是一个时间,只需要保留这段时间的数据,后边的丢弃
// We're switching from an SD stream to a stream of higher resolution. Consider
// discarding already buffered media chunks. Specifically, discard media chunks starting
// from the first one that is of lower bandwidth, lower resolution and that is not HD.
for (int i = 1; i < queue.size(); i++) {
MediaChunk thisChunk = queue.get(i);
long durationBeforeThisSegmentUs = thisChunk.startTimeUs - playbackPositionUs;
// 根据 minDurationToRetainAfterDiscardUs 计算从哪块开始丢弃
if (durationBeforeThisSegmentUs >= minDurationToRetainAfterDiscardUs
&& thisChunk.format.bitrate < ideal.bitrate
&& thisChunk.format.height < ideal.height
&& thisChunk.format.height < 720
&& thisChunk.format.width < 1280) {
// Discard chunks from this one onwards.
evaluation.queueSize = i;
private boolean discardUpstreamMediaChunks(int queueLength) {
if (mediaChunks.size() <= queueLength) {
return false;
long startTimeUs = 0;
long endTimeUs = mediaChunks.getLast().endTimeUs;
BaseMediaChunk removed = null;
while (mediaChunks.size() > queueLength) {
removed = mediaChunks.removeLast();
startTimeUs = removed.startTimeUs;
loadingFinished = false;
// getFirstSampleIndex 是当前 chunk 缓存的第一个 sample 的索引
// 从这个索引往后的数据都要丢掉
notifyUpstreamDiscarded(startTimeUs, endTimeUs);
return true;
3、构建新的 Chunk,重新加载数据。
out.queueSize = evaluation.queueSize;
MediaChunk previous = queue.get(out.queueSize - 1);
long nextSegmentStartTimeUs = previous.endTimeUs;
int segmentNum = queue.isEmpty() ? representationHolder.getSegmentNum(playbackPositionUs)
: startingNewPeriod ? representationHolder.getFirstAvailableSegmentNum()
: queue.get(out.queueSize - 1).getNextChunkIndex();
Chunk nextMediaChunk = newMediaChunk(periodHolder, representationHolder, dataSource,
mediaFormat, enabledTrack, segmentNum, evaluation.trigger, mediaFormat != null);
lastChunkWasInitialization = false;
out.chunk = nextMediaChunk;
- DASH 一个视频流的数据缓存在一个,RollingBuffer 里。
- 码率切换就是选择一个时间点,在这个时间之后缓存改变码率后的数据。
- 如果是码率提升且已缓存数据可播放时间大于 25s,需要把 25s 以后的缓存丢弃,然后缓存更高码率的数据。