MT19937 随机算法实现

MT19937 随机算法实现

作者: hemiao3000 | 来源:发表于2022-03-16 07:13 被阅读0次

Mersenne Twister 算法译为马特赛特旋转演算法,是伪随机数发生器之一,其主要作用是生成伪随机数。此算法是 Makoto Matsumoto(松本)和 Takuji Nishimura(西村)于 1997 年开发的,基于有限二进制字段上的矩阵线性再生。可以快速产生高质量的伪随机数,修正了古老随机数产生算法的很多缺陷。

Mersenne Twister 这个名字来自周期长度通常取 Mersenne 质数这样一个事实。常见的有两个变种 Mersenne Twister MT19937 和 Mersenne Twister MT19937-64 。

Mersenne Twister 有以下优点:随机性好,在计算机上容易实现,占用内存较少(mt19937 的 C 程式码执行仅需 624 个字的工作区域),与其它已使用的伪随机数发生器相比,产生随机数的速度快、周期长,可达到 2^{19937} - 1,且具有 623 维均匀分布的性质,对于一般的应用来说,足够大了,序列关联比较小,能通过很多随机性测试。

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;

 * MT19937 的 Java 实现。用于高效生成伪随机数。
public class MTRandom extends Random {

    // Constants used in the original C implementation
    private final static int UPPER_MASK = 0x80000000;
    private final static int LOWER_MASK = 0x7fffffff;

    private final static int N = 624;
    private final static int M = 397;
    private final static int MAGIC[] = {0x0, 0x9908b0df};
    private final static int MAGIC_FACTOR1 = 1812433253;
    private final static int MAGIC_FACTOR2 = 1664525;
    private final static int MAGIC_FACTOR3 = 1566083941;
    private final static int MAGIC_MASK1 = 0x9d2c5680;
    private final static int MAGIC_MASK2 = 0xefc60000;
    private final static int MAGIC_SEED = 19650218;
    private final static long DEFAULT_SEED = 5489L;

    // Internal state
    private transient int[] mt;
    private transient int mti;
    private transient boolean compat = false;

    // Temporary buffer used during setSeed(long)
    private transient int[] ibuf;

     * The default constructor for an instance of MTRandom.  This invokes
     * the no-argument constructor for java.util.Random which will result
     * in the class being initialised with a seed value obtained by calling
     * System.currentTimeMillis().
    public MTRandom() {

     * This version of the constructor can be used to implement identical
     * behaviour to the original C code version of this algorithm including
     * exactly replicating the case where the seed value had not been set
     * prior to calling genrand_int32.
     * <p>
     * If the compatibility flag is set to true, then the algorithm will be
     * seeded with the same default value as was used in the original C
     * code.  Furthermore the setSeed() method, which must take a 64 bit
     * long value, will be limited to using only the lower 32 bits of the
     * seed to facilitate seamless migration of existing C code into Java
     * where identical behaviour is required.
     * <p>
     * Whilst useful for ensuring backwards compatibility, it is advised
     * that this feature not be used unless specifically required, due to
     * the reduction in strength of the seed value.
     * @param compatible Compatibility flag for replicating original
     *                   behaviour.
    public MTRandom(boolean compatible) {
        compat = compatible;
        setSeed(compat ? DEFAULT_SEED : System.currentTimeMillis());

     * This version of the constructor simply initialises the class with
     * the given 64 bit seed value.  For a better random number sequence
     * this seed value should contain as much entropy as possible.
     * @param seed The seed value with which to initialise this class.
    public MTRandom(long seed) {

     * This version of the constructor initialises the class with the
     * given byte array.  All the data will be used to initialise this
     * instance.
     * @param buf The non-empty byte array of seed information.
     * @throws NullPointerException     if the buffer is null.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the buffer has zero length.
    public MTRandom(byte[] buf) {

     * This version of the constructor initialises the class with the
     * given integer array.  All the data will be used to initialise
     * this instance.
     * @param buf The non-empty integer array of seed information.
     * @throws NullPointerException     if the buffer is null.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the buffer has zero length.
    public MTRandom(int[] buf) {

    // Initializes mt[N] with a simple integer seed. This method is
    // required as part of the Mersenne Twister algorithm but need
    // not be made public.
    private final void setSeed(int seed) {

        // Annoying runtime check for initialisation of internal data
        // caused by java.util.Random invoking setSeed() during init.
        // This is unavoidable because no fields in our instance will
        // have been initialised at this point, not even if the code
        // were placed at the declaration of the member variable.
        if (mt == null) mt = new int[N];

        // ---- Begin Mersenne Twister Algorithm ----
        mt[0] = seed;
        for (mti = 1; mti < N; mti++) {
            mt[mti] = (MAGIC_FACTOR1 * (mt[mti - 1] ^ (mt[mti - 1] >>> 30)) + mti);
        // ---- End Mersenne Twister Algorithm ----

     * This method resets the state of this instance using the 64
     * bits of seed data provided.  Note that if the same seed data
     * is passed to two different instances of MTRandom (both of
     * which share the same compatibility state) then the sequence
     * of numbers generated by both instances will be identical.
     * <p>
     * If this instance was initialised in 'compatibility' mode then
     * this method will only use the lower 32 bits of any seed value
     * passed in and will match the behaviour of the original C code
     * exactly with respect to state initialisation.
     * @param seed The 64 bit value used to initialise the random
     *             number generator state.
    public final synchronized void setSeed(long seed) {
        if (compat) {
            setSeed((int) seed);
        } else {

            // Annoying runtime check for initialisation of internal data
            // caused by java.util.Random invoking setSeed() during init.
            // This is unavoidable because no fields in our instance will
            // have been initialised at this point, not even if the code
            // were placed at the declaration of the member variable.
            if (ibuf == null) ibuf = new int[2];

            ibuf[0] = (int) seed;
            ibuf[1] = (int) (seed >>> 32);

     * This method resets the state of this instance using the byte
     * array of seed data provided.  Note that calling this method
     * is equivalent to calling "setSeed(pack(buf))" and in particular
     * will result in a new integer array being generated during the
     * call.  If you wish to retain this seed data to allow the pseudo
     * random sequence to be restarted then it would be more efficient
     * to use the "pack()" method to convert it into an integer array
     * first and then use that to re-seed the instance.  The behaviour
     * of the class will be the same in both cases but it will be more
     * efficient.
     * @param buf The non-empty byte array of seed information.
     * @throws NullPointerException     if the buffer is null.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the buffer has zero length.
    public final void setSeed(byte[] buf) {

     * This method resets the state of this instance using the integer
     * array of seed data provided.  This is the canonical way of
     * resetting the pseudo random number sequence.
     * @param buf The non-empty integer array of seed information.
     * @throws NullPointerException     if the buffer is null.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the buffer has zero length.
    public final synchronized void setSeed(int[] buf) {
        int length = buf.length;
        if (length == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Seed buffer may not be empty");
        // ---- Begin Mersenne Twister Algorithm ----
        int i = 1, j = 0, k = (N > length ? N : length);
        for (; k > 0; k--) {
            mt[i] = (mt[i] ^ ((mt[i - 1] ^ (mt[i - 1] >>> 30)) * MAGIC_FACTOR2)) + buf[j] + j;
            if (i >= N) {
                mt[0] = mt[N - 1];
                i = 1;
            if (j >= length) j = 0;
        for (k = N - 1; k > 0; k--) {
            mt[i] = (mt[i] ^ ((mt[i - 1] ^ (mt[i - 1] >>> 30)) * MAGIC_FACTOR3)) - i;
            if (i >= N) {
                mt[0] = mt[N - 1];
                i = 1;
        mt[0] = UPPER_MASK; // MSB is 1; assuring non-zero initial array
        // ---- End Mersenne Twister Algorithm ----

     * This method forms the basis for generating a pseudo random number
     * sequence from this class.  If given a value of 32, this method
     * behaves identically to the genrand_int32 function in the original
     * C code and ensures that using the standard nextInt() function
     * (inherited from Random) we are able to replicate behaviour exactly.
     * <p>
     * Note that where the number of bits requested is not equal to 32
     * then bits will simply be masked out from the top of the returned
     * integer value.  That is to say that:
     * <pre>
     * mt.setSeed(12345);
     * int foo = mt.nextInt(16) + (mt.nextInt(16) << 16);</pre>
     * will not give the same result as
     * <pre>
     * mt.setSeed(12345);
     * int foo = mt.nextInt(32);</pre>
     * @param bits The number of significant bits desired in the output.
     * @return The next value in the pseudo random sequence with the
     * specified number of bits in the lower part of the integer.
    protected final synchronized int next(int bits) {
        // ---- Begin Mersenne Twister Algorithm ----
        int y, kk;
        if (mti >= N) {             // generate N words at one time

            // In the original C implementation, mti is checked here
            // to determine if initialisation has occurred; if not
            // it initialises this instance with DEFAULT_SEED (5489).
            // This is no longer necessary as initialisation of the
            // Java instance must result in initialisation occurring
            // Use the constructor MTRandom(true) to enable backwards
            // compatible behaviour.

            for (kk = 0; kk < N - M; kk++) {
                y = (mt[kk] & UPPER_MASK) | (mt[kk + 1] & LOWER_MASK);
                mt[kk] = mt[kk + M] ^ (y >>> 1) ^ MAGIC[y & 0x1];
            for (; kk < N - 1; kk++) {
                y = (mt[kk] & UPPER_MASK) | (mt[kk + 1] & LOWER_MASK);
                mt[kk] = mt[kk + (M - N)] ^ (y >>> 1) ^ MAGIC[y & 0x1];
            y = (mt[N - 1] & UPPER_MASK) | (mt[0] & LOWER_MASK);
            mt[N - 1] = mt[M - 1] ^ (y >>> 1) ^ MAGIC[y & 0x1];

            mti = 0;

        y = mt[mti++];

        // Tempering
        y ^= (y >>> 11);
        y ^= (y << 7) & MAGIC_MASK1;
        y ^= (y << 15) & MAGIC_MASK2;
        y ^= (y >>> 18);
        // ---- End Mersenne Twister Algorithm ----
        return (y >>> (32 - bits));

    // This is a fairly obscure little code section to pack a
    // byte[] into an int[] in little endian ordering.

     * This simply utility method can be used in cases where a byte
     * array of seed data is to be used to repeatedly re-seed the
     * random number sequence.  By packing the byte array into an
     * integer array first, using this method, and then invoking
     * setSeed() with that; it removes the need to re-pack the byte
     * array each time setSeed() is called.
     * <p>
     * If the length of the byte array is not a multiple of 4 then
     * it is implicitly padded with zeros as necessary.  For example:
     * <pre>    byte[] { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06 }</pre>
     * becomes
     * <pre>    int[]  { 0x04030201, 0x00000605 }</pre>
     * <p>
     * Note that this method will not complain if the given byte array
     * is empty and will produce an empty integer array, but the
     * setSeed() method will throw an exception if the empty integer
     * array is passed to it.
     * @param buf The non-null byte array to be packed.
     * @return A non-null integer array of the packed bytes.
     * @throws NullPointerException if the given byte array is null.
    public static int[] pack(byte[] buf) {
        int k, blen = buf.length, ilen = ((buf.length + 3) >>> 2);
        int[] ibuf = new int[ilen];
        for (int n = 0; n < ilen; n++) {
            int m = (n + 1) << 2;
            if (m > blen) m = blen;
            for (k = buf[--m] & 0xff; (m & 0x3) != 0; k = (k << 8) | buf[--m] & 0xff)
            ibuf[n] = k;
        return ibuf;

     * 使用/验证代码
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // MT19937 随机算法的 Java 实现
        MTRandom mtRandom = new MTRandom();
        Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
        // 循环次数
        int times = 1000000;
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
            // 使用 Map 去重
            map.put(mtRandom.next(32), 0);
        // 打印循环次数
        System.out.println("times:" + times);
        // 打印 Map 的个数
        System.out.println("num:" + map.size());
        // 打印非重复比率
        System.out.println("proportion:" + map.size() / (double) times);
        // 花费的时间(单位为毫秒)
        System.out.println("time:" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime));


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      本文标题:MT19937 随机算法实现
