

作者: Evamiss1 | 来源:发表于2018-10-27 07:06 被阅读0次




本篇课程首发于2018年10月12日,节选自 Variety



Bi Gan's Long Day's Journey Into Night

① Tracking a lovelorn drifter's return to his hometown of Kaili in Southwest China, emerging independent auteur Bi Gan's sophomore feature "Long Day's Journey Into Night" is one long pose featuring a virtuoso long take.

② Plunging viewers into an extended dream sequence, the film is a lush plotless mood-piece swimming in artsy references and ostentatious technical exercises, with a star as decoration.

③ Diehard art-house fans and critics eager to scout new auteurs will deem it an ecstatic, transporting experience, but a general audience expecting to have a basic idea of what they're watching will be left clutching at straws.

④ Bi's debut "Kaili Blues" stunned the festival circuit with its unusual film language, capped by a bravura 40-minute take.

⑤ Although made on a shoestring budget, the filmmaking possesses an untamed nature that mirrored the subtropical rural landscapes and the scruffy countryfolk longing for escape.


track /træk/: vt. 追溯;追踪

lovelorn /ˈlʌvlɔːn, ˈlʌvlɔːrn/: adj. 失恋的;单相思的

drifter /ˈdrɪftə, ˈdrɪftər/: n. 流浪者

emerging /ɪˈmɜː(r)dʒɪŋ/: adj. 新兴的;展露头角的

· emerging countries: 新兴国家

auteur /əʊˈtɜː, o(ʊ)ˈtɜːr/: n.(源于法语)作者型导演(有强烈个人风格的,执着于某种主题的,对自己的作品有绝对掌控力的)

sophomore /ˈsɒfəmɔː, ˈsɑːfəmɔːr/: adj. 第二的

feature /ˈfiːtʃə(r)/: n. 剧情长片 vt. 以……为特征;突出呈现……

virtuoso /ˌvəːrtʃʊˈəʊsəʊ, ˌvəːtʃʊˈəʊzəʊ/: adj.(源于意大利语)大师级别的;艺术爱好者的

long take: (指电影中的)长镜头

take /teɪk/: n. 镜头;表现手法;观点;看法

· The director's take on social crisis is a very impressive one.


· Would you like to share your take on that event?


plunge /plʌndʒ/: vt. 使陷入(某种状态)

· plunge sb. into: 让某人陷入某种状态

dream sequence: 梦境间奏

lush /lʌʃ/: adj.(在感官上)有吸引力的;(情感)浓郁的

plotless /'plɑtlɪs, ˈplɒtləs/: adj. 没有情节的

mood piece: 情绪作品(不靠情节和人物推动,着重于情感呈现的,偏意识流的文艺作品)

artsy reference /ˈɑːrti, ˈɑː(r)tsi/: 艺术援引

ostentatious /ˌɒstənˈteɪʃəs, ˌɑːstənˈteɪʃəs/: adj. 外观美丽的;场面繁华的

diehard /ˈdaɪhɑː(r)d/: adj. 死忠的

art-house: 艺术院线

ecstatic /ɪkˈstætɪk, ekˈstætɪk/: adj. 狂喜的;忘我的

general audience: 一般观众;普通观众

clutch at straws: 努力做不太可能成功的事

debut /ˈdebjuː, deɪˈbjuː/: n.处女秀;首次登台(vi. 首次演出)

· debut novel/film: 首部小说/电影

· Mei Lanfang made his debut at the age of 10.


· The musical will debut in Chicago.


circuit /ˈsɜːkɪt, ˈsɜːrkɪt/: n. 巡回表演

· festival circuit: 电影节

(be) capped by: 因为……而备受推崇

bravura /brəˈvʊərə, brəˈvjʊrə/: n.(源于意大利语,指歌剧当中)炫技的部分

(be) made on a shoestring budget: 小成本制作

filmmaking /ˈfɪlmˌmeɪkɪŋ/: n. 电影摄制

untamed nature: 野性难驯;不被驯服的天性(untamed /ˌʌnˈteɪmd/: adj. 未驯服的)

subtropical /ˌsʌbˈtrɒpɪkəl, ˌsʌbˈtrɑːpɪkəl/: adj. 亚热地带的

scruffy /ˈskrʌfi/: adj. 邋遢的;不整洁的

countryfolk /ˈkʌntrɪfəʊk/: n. 乡下人;同胞


virtuoso: n. 指(在演唱、演奏等领域)技艺精湛的艺术家;(具有卓越艺术鉴赏力的)行家、鉴赏家

dream sequence: 梦境间奏

· A dream sequence is a technique used in storytelling, particularly in television and film, to set apart a brief interlude from the main story. The interlude may consist of a flashback, a flashforward, a fantasy, a vision, a dream, or some other element.


general audience: 一般观众;普通观众

· G: General Audience:(覆盖所有年龄的)普通观众

· PG: Parental Guidance Suggested: 建议父母陪同观看





