

作者: 念歌0921 | 来源:发表于2017-02-25 23:38 被阅读0次

Have any of you imagined a four-year vacancy of parents may lead to domestic violence? But this is indeed the case of Li Yang, the founder of Crazy English, who was charged of abusing his wife. The gap between parents and children has always been a great problem but few people can get along with it and most attribute it to the generation gap. So this is the problem. Actually, distance is the main cause.

It may not seem to be unusual that children have to take care of themselves or live with grandparents while their parents are busy on business. If lucky, a kid may meet his or her parents every midnight. If not, they may meet each other once a week, once a month or even once a year.

I used to study in a foreign language school and the students there had a lot of things in common. For example, most of them were smart, independent, adaptive and self-disciplined, of course, not including myself. And another common was that many of their parents were busy at work and they were accustomed to a parallel world to their parents, so there was no wonder that the majority considered going abroad for study to be the best choice. Virtually, half did go abroad eventually while the rest left in China, including some of those attended international high schools.

According to the data from the ministry of education, there were about 933,000 Chinese overseas students from 1978 to 2005, and the number has been growing rapidly nowadays. However, only 20% of them returned back to China for work. As a result, a whole family will be separated at the end and many negative effects like domestic violence may potentially exist.

Why we become strangers? It’s the distance that makes the distance. And that’s why we always say love should be preserved by both sides.


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