本周主题: Unit 46 Lesson 1 Five Little Ducks



儿歌歌词:Five little ducks went out one day一天,五只小鸭子出了门 Over the hill and far away (他们)越过山丘,走得很远Mother Duck said, "quack, quack, quack, quack." 鸭妈妈“嘎,嘎,嘎,嘎”地喊But only four little ducks came back 但是只有四只小鸭子回来了One, two, three, four一、二、三、四 Four little ducks went out one day 一天,四只小鸭子出了门 Over the hill and far away (他们)越过山丘,走得很远Mother Duck said, "quack, quack, quack, quack."鸭妈妈“嘎,嘎,嘎,嘎”地喊But only three little ducks came back但是只有三只小鸭子回来了One, two, three一、二、三 Three little ducks went out one day 一天,三只小鸭子出了门 Over the hill and far away (他们)越过山丘,走得很远Mother Duck said, "quack, quack, quack, quack." 鸭妈妈“嘎,嘎,嘎,嘎”地喊But only two little ducks came back 但是只有两只小鸭子回来了One, two一、二 Two little ducks went out one day 一天,两只小鸭子出了门 Over the hill and far away (他们)越过山丘,走得很远Mother Duck said, "quack, quack, quack, quack."鸭妈妈“嘎,嘎,嘎,嘎”地喊But only one little duck came back 但是只有一只小鸭子回来了One一 One little duck went out one day 一天,一只小鸭子出了门 Over the hill and far away (他)越过山丘,走得很远Mother Duck said, "quack, quack, quack, quack." 鸭妈妈“嘎,嘎,嘎,嘎”地喊But none of the five little ducks came back 但是五只小鸭子中,一只也没有回来 Sad Mother Duck went out one day 伤心的鸭妈妈出了门Over the hill and far away 越过山丘,走得很远Mother Duck said, "quack, quack, quack, quack."鸭妈妈“嘎,嘎,嘎,嘎”地喊 And all of the five little ducks came back五只小鸭子全部都回来了
1. far away 遥远的,远处的。We heard something from far away.我们听到了一些从远处传来的声音。The park is not far away from my home.公园离我家不远。
2. went out 是 go out 的过去式,在儿歌中表示“出去”。Do you want to go out for a walk?你想要出去散步吗? go out 还可以表示“火、灯熄灭“。The fire went out. 火熄灭了。
3. but 但是,表转折,和 and 一样可以用在两个并列的句子中间。儿歌中有 and 并列两个句子的用法。Mother Duck said, "quack, quack, quack, quack," and all of the five little ducks came back. 也有 but 并列两个句子的用法。Mother Duck said, "quack, quack, quack, quack," but none of the five little ducks came back. 生活中家长可以灵活运用连接词 and 和 but。 We have played games for an hour but we don't feel tired.我们已经玩了一个小时的游戏,但是不觉得累。
1. 家长拿起塑料鸭子分别介绍鸭妈妈和鸭宝宝,并和宝贝一起数鸭妈妈有多少个鸭宝宝。P: Vivi, this is Mother Duck.Vivi,这是鸭妈妈。Mother Duck says, "quack, quack, quack, quack."鸭妈妈会嘎嘎嘎嘎地叫。These are little ducks.这些是小鸭子。They're Mother Duck's babies.他们是鸭妈妈的宝宝。Let's count how many. 我们来数一数有多少只。K: OK.好的。P: One little duck, two little ducks, three little ducks, 一只小鸭子,两只小鸭子,三只小鸭子,four little ducks, five little ducks.四只小鸭子,五只小鸭子。Mother Duck has five little babies.鸭妈妈有五只小鸭子。
2. 家长开始讲故事,边唱儿歌边和宝贝一起拿着五只小鸭子越过小山,离开鸭妈妈。然后拿起四只小鸭子返回鸭妈妈身边,并引导宝贝数一数有多少只小鸭子回来了。P: One day, the little ducks went out. 一天,小鸭子出门去。They walked one by one. You hold two ducks.他们一个接一个地走。你拿着两只小鸭子。K: OK.好的。P&K: "Five little ducks went out one day. Over the hill and far away."The little ducks were very far away from their mother. 小鸭子离他们的妈妈好远。Mother Duck missed her babies.鸭妈妈思念她的宝宝们。"Mother Duck said, 'quack, quack, quack, quack.'"The babies missed their mother, too.宝宝们也思念他们的妈妈。And so, they came back.因此,他们回来了。P: Let's count how many baby ducks came back.我们来数一数有多少只小鸭子回来了。K: OK.好的。P: One little duck, two little ducks, three little ducks, four little ducks.一只小鸭子,两只小鸭子,三只小鸭子,四只小鸭子。"But only four little ducks came back."One little duck stayed outside and kept playing.一只小鸭子在外面玩耍。
3. 家长和宝贝一起拿着四只小鸭子越过小山,离开鸭妈妈。然后拿起三只小鸭子返回鸭妈妈身边。P&K: "Four little ducks went out one day. Over the hill and far away.Mother Duck said, 'quack, quack, quack, quack.'"Some of the little ducks came back.一些小鸭子回来了。Quack, quack, quack, quack.嘎嘎嘎嘎。Let's count them.我们来数一数他们吧。K: OK.好的。P: One little duck, two little ducks, three little ducks.一只小鸭子,两只小鸭子,三只小鸭子。"But only three little ducks came back."
4. 家长和宝贝一起拿着三只小鸭子越过小山,离开鸭妈妈。然后拿起两只小鸭子返回鸭妈妈身边。P&K: "Three little ducks went out one day. Over the hill and far away.Mother Duck said, 'quack, quack, quack, quack.'"Some little ducks came back.一些小鸭子回来了。Quack, quack, quack, quack.嘎嘎嘎嘎。Let's count them.我们来数一数他们吧。K: OK.好的。P&K: One little duck, two little ducks.一只小鸭子,两只小鸭子。"But only two little ducks came back."
5. 家长和宝贝一起拿着两只小鸭子越过小山,离开鸭妈妈。然后拿起一只小鸭子返回鸭妈妈身边。P&K: "Two little ducks went out one day. Over the hill and far away.Mother Duck said, 'quack, quack, quack, quack.'"How many ducks came back?多少只小鸭子回来了?K: One little duck.一只小鸭子。P: Very good job.非常棒。"But only one little duck came back."
6. 家长拿起一只小鸭子越过小山,没有小鸭子返回。P&K: "One little duck went out one day. Over the hill and far away.Mother Duck said, 'quack, quack, quack, quack.'But none of the five little ducks came back."Mother Duck was so sad.鸭妈妈很伤心。Because none of her babies came back.因为她的宝宝们一个也没有回来。She went out to go and look for her babies.她出去寻找她的宝宝们。
7. 家长拿着鸭妈妈出去寻找鸭宝宝们,最后五只小鸭子和鸭妈妈一起回来了。P&K: "Sad Mother Duck went out one day. Over the hill and far away.Mother Duck said, 'quack, quack, quack, quack.'And all of the five little ducks came back."One little duck, two little ducks, three little ducks, 一只小鸭子,两只小鸭子,三只小鸭子,four little ducks, five little ducks.四只小鸭子,五只小鸭子。Mother Duck was so happy.鸭妈妈很开心。Because all of her five little ducks came back.因为五只小鸭子都回来了。
1. 家长和宝贝分别介绍自己是小鸭子,会嘎嘎嘎地叫和摇摇摆摆地走路,家长提议去找鱼吃。P: I'm a little duck. Quack, quack, quack.我是一只小鸭子。嘎嘎嘎。K: I'm a little duck, too. Quack, quack, quack.我也是一只小鸭子。嘎嘎嘎。P: I can waddle. Waddle, waddle, waddle, waddle.我会摇摇摆摆地走。摇摇摆摆,摇摇摆摆。K: I can waddle, too. Waddle, waddle, waddle, waddle.我也会摇摇摆摆地走。摇摇摆摆,摇摇摆摆。P: I'm so hungry. Let's go and find some fish to eat.我很饿。我们去找些鱼吃吧。K: OK.好的。
2. 家长唱儿歌,宝贝跟在家长后面,模仿鸭子走路,家长发现池塘,提议一起跳到池塘里去。P: "Two little ducks went out one day. Over the hill and far away."Look, there is a pond where we can catch some fish to eat.看,有一个池塘。我们可以在那里抓鱼吃。K: Wow, I love to eat fish.哇,我喜欢吃鱼。P: We can swim. Let's jump into the pond.我们会游泳。我们跳进池塘里吧。K: OK.好的。
3. 家长和宝贝假装跳进池塘,捡起地上的鱼,并分享鱼,最后家长介绍鸭子很喜欢吃鱼。P: "Two little ducks went out one day. Jumped in the pond and caught some fish."I caught some little fish. Have you caught some little fish?我抓到一些小鱼了。你抓到一些小鱼了吗?K: Yes.是的。P: Good job. Let's share them. Sharing is caring.很棒。我们来分享他们。分享就是关爱。K: OK.好的。P: Yummy. Ducks love to eat little fish so much. 好吃。鸭子非常喜欢吃小鱼。
中英对照参考译文:Ducks 鸭子 Mother Duck laid eggs.鸭妈妈下了蛋。 Little ducklings were hatching from the eggs.小鸭子正从蛋壳里孵出来。One, two, three, four, five.一、二、三、四、五。 Each of them had webbed feet and a hard bill.每一只小鸭子都长着蹼足和一张硬硬的嘴。 Five ducklings went out with Mother Duck.五只小鸭子们和鸭妈妈一起外出。 Four of the five ducklings waddled after Mother Duck.五只小鸭子中的四只摇摇摆摆地跟在鸭妈妈身后。 Three of the five ducklings went over the hill.五只小鸭子中的三只越过了山。 Two of the five ducklings swam in the pond.五只小鸭子中的两只在池塘里游泳。 One of the five ducklings dived into the water.五只小鸭子中的一只潜入了水中。 Mother Duck said, "Quack, quack, quack!"鸭妈妈嘎嘎嘎地叫着。 All of the ducklings came back.所有的小鸭子都回来了。
本书亲子共读Tips:1. 家长在和宝贝亲子共读的过程中,可以借助肢体语言帮助孩子理解语意和鸭子的行动特点。2. 家长可以利用家里的玩具或者绘本,结合 "… of the… " 的句式,与孩子玩分类描述的游戏。例如:找出家里关于鸭子故事、猴子故事等的书籍,放在一起,而后家长示范描述。P: Here are five books. (如果需要练习英文数字的说法,可以增加书的数量,带着孩子一一点数)Three of the five books tell the story about ducks.Two of the five books tell the story about monkeys.3. 在公园或者动物园看到鸭子时,家长可以引导孩子观察鸭子的外貌特点。