2019-05-13 人类文明与机器学习

2019-05-13 人类文明与机器学习

作者: 宣雄民 | 来源:发表于2019-05-13 14:03 被阅读0次
  • I can see this world is running like the machine learning algorithm,

    maybe it is messing around at the beginning of time, but the neural network will lead all the functions and parameters to the correct direction(back propagation <=> like Zeitgeist or TVP(please baidu or google), you notice the individual neural unit the correct direction and it adjusts itself accordingly), eventually the whole network becomes the optimized entity.

  • The initial momentum and the number of training examples

    are 2 major factors, same as our projects for the whole humanity, the initial momentum and the sufficient people know what has happened and what must be done are the important elements for success.


  • 2019-05-13 人类文明与机器学习

    I can see this world is running like the machine learning...

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      本文标题:2019-05-13 人类文明与机器学习
