Enjoy Reading(4)

Enjoy Reading(4)

作者: Hedwig梧寒 | 来源:发表于2019-04-20 21:50 被阅读0次

    I Teach  我教书

    Enjoy Reading(4)

    I teach because there is a great fulfillment that comes in working with girls and boys. 我选择教书,是因为和孩子们在一起我有很大成就感。

    Come in :  在...中获得

    I teach because I wanted  to be a historian,and I can in having recorded something for the lives of great men to come.我选择教书,是因为我想成为一名历史学家,可以通过为未来之伟人记录点滴来实现理想。

    The Importance of Education 教育的意义

    Enjoy Reading(4)

    It(education) opens our eyes, our ears, tells us where delights are lurking, convinces us that there is only one freedom of any importance whatsoever,that of the mind, and gives us the assurance-the confidence-to walk the path our mind, our educated mind, offers.教育拓展了我们的视野,丰富了我们的听觉,告诉我们快乐隐藏在哪里,让我们相信只有一种自由是无比重要的,那就是我们的理想。我们受过的教育赋予我们无比的自信,让我们坚定的走在受过教育的思想之路上。

    四个并列谓语: opens our... tells us... convinces us... and gives us

    一个同位语: that of the mind



          本文标题:Enjoy Reading(4)
