Hi,我会不定期在这里放一些句子,也暂时不打算新开文章,等实在太多了再新开。中文句子(译文)放在前面,请你思考如何用英文表达,再看下面的原句。没有和原句用一样的词并不代表你一定不好,主要是学习思路。我的公众号内也可以找到相关内容,有兴趣请关注。这里的句子基本上来源于The Economist, The Atlantic, TIME等水准较高、有参考价值的杂志。译文大部分为笔者所译,部分来自词典和网络,欢迎指正。
原文:Japanese firms have featured prominently in a wave of merger activity in the insurance industry, which has seen $100 billion in acquisitions since January.
解说:feature v.起到重要作用(哈哈哈,终于可以替换to play an important part in…了!)。...has seen, has witness都可以来表示发生了某事,以“拟人”的方式让句子更为生动。注意中文和英文的语序安排。
原文:The leaders realized belatedly that the coup would be disastrous for everyone.

原文:One is moral conscience, belatedly wakened by the image of a drowned Syrian child on a Turkish beach.
解说:belated adj. A belated action happens later than it should have done.这个词比较正式,经常用在政治场合,表示某事早该发生,但发生得比预期晚得太多。此处用了副词形式,意思相同。如果单独表达“moral conscience belatedly wakened”,也可以译为“沉睡已久的道德良知终于被唤醒”。
原文:Such numbers will inevitably raise many worries: that cultures will be swamped by aliens, economies will be overburdened, social benefits will have to be curbed and even that terrorists will creep in.
解说:经济学人用了swamp, overburden, curb, creep in四个非常形象的动词,表达了社会多方面受到影响的混乱局面,体现了对未来的担忧。raise worries引发担忧。另外注意,worries冒号后面跟的是四个that从句,第一个到第三个用了一个that,最后一个在and后,所以又用了一个that,保持前后句式一致。这里that引导的是名词性从句,和前面的worries这个名词相对应。如果去掉that,语言的精密和准确度就会打折。
名词性从句举例:Word came that another new research center would soon be set up.
原文:As a wealthy and peaceful continent surrounded by large areas of poverty and chaos, Europe is a strong draw for many seeking a better life.
例:He just wants to draw attention to the plight of the unemployed.
表示吸引的词还有appeal, intrigue, seduce, allure等。短小的词比大词用起来更有力,更到位。不要忽视常见小词多义的学习。

原文:UN agencies, buckling under the strain, must be properly funded.
解说:buckle v.变形、弯折。buckle under the strain: to bend under pressure.
例:Mcanally's knees buckled and he crumpled down onto the floor...
buckle up 系好安全带,口语中引申为“做好准备”。
原文:Migrants are net contributors to the public purse. They inject economic dynamism. They are, almost by definition, self-starters.
解说:根据研究,和本国国民相比,移民交税更多,获取的福利更少,因此移民的付出大于回报,所以称为net contributors。purse,钱包。public purse公共的钱包就是“国库”了。形容人或物是...by definition,按照定义就是这样的,说明这个人/物简直就是...的化身。还可以用epitome这个词:The Dorchester Hotel is the epitome of luxury in the heart of London.多切斯特酒店是伦敦市中心豪华奢侈的缩影。
Migrants are net contributors to the public purse who inject economic dynamism and are almost by definition, self-starters.
原文:An old idea of Christendom still lurks within modern European identity.
It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes
You're paralyzed
原文:There are surely limits to how many migrants any society will accept. But the numbers Europe proposes to receive do not begin to breach them.
解说:breach If some one or something breaches a barrier, they make an opening in it, usually leaving it weakened or destroyed.
此处的breach相当于“超出”的意思,下次看到“超出”,除了surpass, exceed, over, beyond这些词,可以试试用一下breach。
a breach of confidence/trust 泄密;背信

原文:After the Supreme Court in effect legalised same-sex marriage throughout the country in June, several local officials—among them Ms Davis, the clerk of Rowan County, Kentucky—stopped supplying marriage licences to any couples, gay or straight.
解说:1. Legalise,合法化,如果后面加一个很长的宾语就不太符合汉语习惯,因此翻译时可以加上“宣布”一类的词,让句子读起来更顺。通常以-ise, -ize结尾的词表示“使…”或“…化”,例如jeopardize,standardize,但注意尽量不要生造词。政府工作报告一类文体中有很多“…化”的表达,不可随意一味变成“-ise/-ize”,要根据语境和背后真正要表达的意思来考虑。
2. 需要注意破折号的用法。如果不用破折号,原句就会变为several local officials stopped supplying marriage licences to any couples, gay or straight,但是此处的Ms Davis往哪里放呢?不能直接在后面加上including Ms Davis吧?所以我们在写作的过程中也可以使用破折号,among them和several local officials连接紧密,用破折号也有突出内容的效果。
3.注意marriage licence。[美式拼写:license]一般来说,美国的marriage licence指允许婚姻进行的文件,而婚礼完毕后会政府官员会给新人颁发marriage certificate,是证明婚礼已经举行的官方记录。但每个辖区政策不同,有些地方只需要marriage licence就可以起到上述双重作用。
由此,A licence is an official document which gives you permission to do, use, or own something. 即licence是一种许可你做某事的官方文件,例如driving licence驾驶执照,import licence进口许可证,business licence营业执照。
而A certificate is an official document stating that particular facts are true.偏重于证明某件事属实,例如birth certificate出生证明(这么看来,birth licence应该是“准生证”了?)death certificate死亡证明,graduate certificate毕业证。