Day 11, Page 101-111

Day 11, Page 101-111

作者: 辣辣小疯子 | 来源:发表于2017-07-24 18:08 被阅读0次


    1. I don't think we're totally out of the woods just yet. Because with the way Dad was poking around tonight, I'm sure it won't be long before he figures out about the party.

    be out of the woods: to no longer be in danger or difficulty

    poke around: to search for something by moving things around, usually not in a very careful or organized way

    造句:My brother thought he was out of the woods, but after my mom poked around in the house, his trick was finally figured out.

    2. ...so they couldn't peg it on me, and I was in the clear. But Manny was there when it happened, and two years later, he squealed on me.

    peg it on me: peg的本意是“用楔子钉住,用夹子夹住,使工资、价格与…挂钩”,这里就是“认定某事是谁所为”,peg还有一个用法是peg something/somebody as something意思是“把某人、某事定性为…”例如I pegged him as a troublemaker

    in the clear是之前就见到过的一个表达,表示not guilty of a crime, or not involved in doing something bad

    squeal本意是“发出长而尖的叫声”,squeal on在这里等于tell on, 都是“揭发,告密”的意思

    造句:My folks would not peg the broken window stuff on me, so I was in the clear. 

    3. Well, I ended up getting a bar of soap in my mouth for knowing how to spell a bad word, and Rodrick got off scot-free.

    get a bar of soap in one's mouth: 和它同义的一个表达是wash out mouth with soap, 是一种physical punishment的方式,用来cleaning someone's bad speech behavior

    scot-free: 逃脱惩罚,逍遥法外

     a bad word, 这可能是“说脏话”最简单的一种表达了

    造句:Every time he said some bad words, he just got off scot-free, and never get a bar of soap in his mouth.

    4. Like I said before, Rodrick knows he's got me under his thumb with this "secret" thing. So I have to get my licks in any way we can.

    get somebody under one's thumb: get someone under one's control

    get one's lick in: to hit on someone or to get lucky

    造句:I was always under my brother's thumb, and never get my licks in.


    Well, Rodrick might have lucked out this time, but all I can say is, he should be glad manny wasn't there to see the party. Manny is a huge tattletale. In fact, he's been telling on me ever since he could talk. He's even told on me for stuff I did before he could talk.

    luck out: to be very lucky本意和be lucky无太大区别,由luck out 联想到luck into something: to get or experience something good by chance

    a huge tattletale: tattletale=tattle+tale, tattle可做动词表示“打小报告,向某人告发”,还可做名词表示“闲谈,谈论别人隐私的话”,tale的意思多为“故事,历险记,讲述等”,tattletale的意思是“向大人告另一个小孩子状的小孩”

    tell on=squeal on

    造句:As a professional tattletale, my brother really lucked out this time, because always it would backfired. 


    You know, boys can learn to say bad words way quickly. Today my brother said a bad word after he lost to me in our card game. It made me feel so uncomfortable that I decided to give him a lesson. Though I would not wash out his mouth with a soap, I still never plan to let him get off scot-free. Smart as I am, I know there is a zero-tolerance policy to bad words in our family. Therefore, I squealed on him for this bad speech behavior. And he realized he could not be out of the woods, so he just promised my mom to clean the dishes for the whole week. So, anyway, I won at last. And as you can imagine,  ever since that, I was pegged as a professional and sly tattletale by my brother. 


    wasn't potty trained可以当成一个固定的结构来用,结构为名词=trained,表示在某方面还未被训练过,比如我们可以说he hasn't been dish-washing trained.

    get the door off its hinges:表示把门卸下来的一个表达,hinge就是“铰链,(门框处的)转轴”,可与 下文的switch out互换

    made someone stop cold这里的cold是形容词做补语,补充说明someone此时的状态/特点,相应的表达还有all men are created equal...



          本文标题:Day 11, Page 101-111
