Building a Process Model-Sub-Sys

Building a Process Model-Sub-Sys

作者: 橡果 | 来源:发表于2016-08-07 11:44 被阅读14次

•创建 – 在当前视图中选中模块且于选中的模块上鼠标右键菜单请求创建Draw/SubSystem(绘图/子系统)菜单时,子系统被创建。模块被移动到子系统,子系统模块被添加到当前视图。默认名被提供给子系统。子系统模块具有对应于原始连接所选模块与其它模块的输入/输出端口。在子系统内,这些输入/输出端口可通过In/OutPort模块具体化。
•打开 – 内部的子系统可以通过双击子系统模块本身或选择相关子系统并鼠标右键选择Open SubSystem(打开子系统)查看。打开操作是将当前选项视图切换到拥有子系统名作为标签的另一个选项视图。
•添加 – 可以通过右键单击选中的模块并选择移动到菜单将附加模块添加到现有的子系统中。
•取消分组 -子系统中的模块可以被提取,并通过取消分组将它们放置在标签视图中。然后子系统模块将从标签视图中移除。取消分组后,提取的模块将被放置在标签视图的左下角。其他(附属)子系统操作包括:
•子系统属性 – 可以通过鼠标右键菜单前往相关的特定子系统修改子系统属性。
•复制/粘贴 -子系统可以被复制和粘贴。程序将递归复制子系统内的所有模块,然后将它们粘贴到所希望的位置。可以使用Ctrl-C / Ctrl-V组合键或通过Alt +拖动来执行子系统复制(包括内容)和粘贴命令。但请注意,如果使用Ctrl +拖动,子系统的内容将不会被复制。
•输入/输出端口 – 可以通过修改输入/输出端口模块修改子系统端口。允许的修改包括:端口号重新排序,删除某些输入/输出端口,使用拖/放功能从目录中添加模块。

The Graphical Model Builder view can be easily switched between the “main” view and that of any of the sub-system views. To toggle between the different views, click on the appropriate tab labels appearing on the bottom left corner of the view window.
The allowed operations on the sub-systems are:
• Creation – A sub-system is created after selecting blocks on the current view and requesting Create in the Draw/SubSystem menu or the right mouse button menu while on one of the selected blocks. The blocks are moved into the sub-system and a sub-system block is added to the current view. A default name is provided for the sub-system. The sub-system block has input/output ports corresponding to the original connections the selected blocks had to the other blocks. Inside the sub-system, these input/output ports are materialized by In/OutPort blocks.
• Open – The inside of a sub-system can be viewed by either double-clicking on the sub-system block itself or by selecting Open SubSystem from the right mouse button menu associated to the sub-system. The open operation switches the current tab view to another tab view having the sub-system name as label.
• Add – Additional block(s) can be included into the existing sub-system by right-clicking the selected block(s) and choosing the Move to menu.
• Ungroup – The blocks in a sub-system can be extracted and placed on the tab view by ungrouping them. The sub-system block is then removed from the tab view. After the ungroup procedure, the extracted blocks are placed on the bottom left of the tab view.
Other (minor) sub-system operations include:
• Sub-system properties – The properties of the sub-system can be modified using the right mouse button menu associated to the specific sub-system.
• Copy/Paste – A sub-system can be copied and pasted. The procedure recursively copies all the blocks within the sub-system and then pastes them to the desired location. The SubSystem copy (including the contents) and paste commands can be performed using the Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V key combinations or by using Alt+Drag. However, note that the contents of a subsystem will NOT be copied if you use Ctrl+Drag.
• Input/output ports – The ports of the sub-system can be modified by altering its inside In/OutPort blocks. The allowed modifications include: reordering of the port numbers, deletion of some of the In/OutPort blocks and addition of blocks using the drag/drop functionality from the catalogue.




    本文标题:Building a Process Model-Sub-Sys
