What is Compass

sudo gem install compass //for Linus or Mac
gem install compass //for Windows
Enter compass -v
to ensure you install compass successfully.
Create Compass Project
compass create myProject
Then you will get three items:

- config.rb
important file, you will write configuration in this file.
- sass dictionary
non-essential, the scss or sass source files in here. - stylesheets dictionary
non-essential, the css source files after compass compile are stored in here.
Some Compass Commands
In fact, in my opinion, just one command you might know:
compass watch
Compass will watch the scss source file automatically, if you modify the file , he will compile .scss file to .css file. So easy, right?
You must pay more attention in config.rb, maybe config.rb like this:
// in my own project, please config it by your own condition.
http_path = "/"
css_dir = "public/css-cache"
sass_dir = "sass"
images_dir = "public/img"
javascripts_dir = "public/js"
If you want know more commands, please visit official website. Click it
Compass modules
Why is Compass so powerful? Because Compass pack some useful inside modules. They can help you to write more effective css code with sass. Five inside modules in Compass,they are:
- reset
- css3
- layout
- typography
- utilities
1. reset
It help you to reset html tag style. Call it like this:
// take it in the head of file
@import "compass/reset";
This code will load reset code automatically.
2. css3
Most useful modules.
In this modules,compass gives about 21 css3 commands.The official website gives some samples, you can see that.
For example, border-radius
@import "compass/css3";
.rounded {
@include border-radius(5px);
After compass compile:
.rounded {
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
-o-border-radius: 5px;
-ms-border-radius: 5px;
-khtml-border-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
This module provides layout function. No much issue to explain.
This module provides format function.
For example , you can assign the format of a tag:
//link-colors($normal, $hover, $active, $visited, $focus);
@import "compass/typography";
a {
@include link-colors(#00c, #0cc, #c0c, #ccc, #cc0);
Utility function.
For example, clearfix:
import "compass/utilities/";
.clearfix {
@include clearfix;