Chapter 10-1, 11.06

Chapter 10-1, 11.06

作者: 二白_a00c | 来源:发表于2017-11-06 19:09 被阅读0次


1.This is a chapter of scraps废料 and morsels碎屑—small admonitions告诫,劝告 on many points that I have collected under one, as they say, umbrella总括.

2.Many verbs also carry in their imagery or in their sound a suggestion of what they mean: glitter, dazzle, twirl, beguile, scatter, swagger, poke, pamper, vex.

glitter: 1. to shine brightly with flashing points of light (ex. The river glittered in the sunlight.)

2. His blue eyes glittered with anger.

dazzle: 1. if a very bright light dazzles you, it stops you form seeing properly for a short time

2. to make someone fell strong admiration

twirl: to turn around and around or make sth do this 卷曲,快速旋转

beguile: 1.使陶醉 She was beguiled by his smooth talk.

2.哄骗 beguile sb into doing sth

pamper:悉心照料 pamper yourself

3.The second is necessarily longer and it has an insipid无生气的,平淡的 quality


1. Use precise verbs, adverbs and adjectives that do necessary work.

的确,我的写作老师也曾强调动词用好会让文章上一个档次,而不是通篇have, make 0.0

2. 如开篇所说,这章的确是一个umbrella, 作者总结了很多实用写作小技巧。


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