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Jason Meyer 杰森.迈尔
1 Peter 1:22-25 彼得前书1:22-25
22 Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart, 23 since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God; 24 for “All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, 25 but the word of the Lord remains forever.” And this word is the good news that was preached to you. 22 你们既因顺从真理,洁净了自己的心灵,以致能真诚地爱弟兄,就应当从清洁的心里彼此切实相爱。 23 你们得了重生,并不是由于能坏的种子,却是由于不能朽坏的,就是藉着 神永活长存的道。 24 因为“所有的人(“人” 原文作“肉体”),尽都如草, 他们的荣美,都像草上的花; 草必枯干,花必凋谢, 25 唯有主的道,永远长存。” 所传给你们的福音就是这道
Introduction: Structure (1:1-2:3) 引言:总体结构(1:1-2:3)
We are not lost orphans in the world, we are chosen children of the world to come who have an imperishable hope (1:3-5), an inexpressible joy (1:6-9), and a profound sense of privilege (1:10-12). That is all what we have in Christ – it is indicative and focuses on our identity (who we are) – then we move to commands (what we are to be). 我们不是世上失落的孤儿,我们是神所拣选的属于未来世界的孩子,有着不可磨灭的盼望(1:3-5)和无法形容的喜乐(1:6-9), 以及深深的殊荣感(1:10-12)。那就是我们在基督里所拥有的一切——这是陈述性的,专注于我们的身份 (我们是谁)——之后转移到神对我们的命令(我们将如何行动)。
Because we are the saved people of God, let us (1) hope fully, (2) be holy (1:13-16), (3) fear our Father (1:16-21), and (4) love one another earnestly (1:22-25), and (5) long for the pure milk of the word to grow up into salvation (2:1-3). Today we are unpacking command #4: the call to love one another. 因为我们是得救的属神子民,所以让我们(1)满怀盼望,(2)成为圣洁(1:13-16),(3)敬畏我们的天父(1:16-21),以及(4)彼此真诚相爱(1:22-25),(5)像初生婴孩爱慕那纯净的灵奶,长大进入救恩(2:1-3)。今天我们将解释第(4)条命令:彼此相爱的呼召。
The structure of this passage is exquisite. What we have in this passage is a near perfect example of what has been called a Bilateral. There are twin truths on the outside that support a command in the middle. Think about these as two foundational beams (past realities) that hold up a life of obedience. What are the twin truths? It is the reality of conversion and the new birth. Peter gives two images: the imagery of consecration from the sacrificial system and imagery from begetting, fatherhood, and birth. Both of these images are presented as perfect participles (realities that happened in the past and have ongoing consequences). We will start by unpacking these two images before moving to the main point: the command to love one another. 这段经文的结构很精妙。我们在其中看到的是近乎完美的所谓双边关系的例子,就是用双重真理来支持夹在中间的命令。我们可以将其看作是用两道基础梁(过去的现实)来支持顺服的人生。那么双重真理是什么呢?就是归信和重生。彼得向我们展示了两个意象:祭祀制度中关于圣化的意象,以及关于生育、父亲身份和出生的意象。这两个意象都作为完成式分词呈现(过去发生的现实所带来的持续性后果)。我们将首先揭示这两个意象,然后转移到今天的要点:彼此相爱的呼召。
Outline: 纲要:
1. What Has Already Happened: Purified Souls (v. 22a) 1. 已经发生了什么:被净化的心灵(v.22a)
2. What You Should Do Now: Love one another (v. 22b) 2.你现在应当做什么:彼此相爱(v.22b)
3. What Has Already Happened: New Birth with imperishable seed (v. 23-25) 3. 已经发生了什么:不朽的新生命(v.23-25)
1. What Has Happened: Consecrated Souls (v. 22a) 1.已经发生了什么:被净化的心灵(v.22a)
22 Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, 22a 你们既因顺从真理,洁净了自己的心灵,以致能真诚地爱弟兄,
Peter calls out one thing that has already happened: their souls have been purified or consecrated. This word occurs 7 times in the New Testament. Four times it refers to ritual consecration or purification (John 11:55; Acts 21:24, 26; 24:18). It occurs three times in the Epistles. James 4:8 and 1 John 3:3 refers to present purification (cleansing or purifying yourself), while in 1 Peter it refers to a past purification or consecration. But when did that consecration happen in the past? 彼得提出已经发生的一件事:他们的心灵已经被洁净或圣化了。这个字在新约圣经中出现了7次。 4次是用来描述仪式上的圣化或洁净(约翰福音11:55; 使徒行传 21:24, 26; 24:18)。在使徒书信中出现了3次。雅各书4:8 以及约翰壹书3:3中用来描述如今的洁净(清洁或洁净你自己),而在彼得前书中,这个字是用来描述过去的洁净或圣化。那么圣化是在过去的什么时候发生的呢?
A. What Happened: Purified Souls A. 发生了什么:洁净的心灵
B. How It Happened: by your obedience to the truth B. 怎么发生的:你对真理的顺从
C. Why It Happened: for a sincere brotherly love C. 为什么而发生:为追求真诚的弟兄之爱
A and B. What Happened and How It Happened A和B. 发生了什么,以及怎么发生的
To answer that question, we need to take the first two phrases together: their souls have been purified or consecrated by obedience to the truth. That gives us two options. Does this purification refer to conversion or progressive sanctification? In other words, are we being progressively purified by our ongoing, daily obedience to God or does Peter refer to the initial work of consecration that God does in conversion in response to obeying the command to repent and believe in the gospel? 为了回答这个问题,我们需要把前两个短语联系在一起:他们因顺从真理,洁净了自己的心灵。这就给了我们两种选择。这个洁净指的是归信基督还是渐进成圣?换句话说,我们是因着每天顺服神而渐进地洁净,抑或彼得指的是在我们归信时神所启动的分别为圣的工作,表现为我们响应听从“要悔改信福音”的命令?
I agree with most commentators in seeing a reference to conversion. Obedience to the truth is obeying the summons of the gospel. Of the many reasons to read it this way, let me mention two: (1) common NT usage, and (2) the context of the passage. First, let us look at its usage elsewhere. The gospel is often called “the truth” or “the word of truth.” 我同意大多数注释家认为这里指的是归信基督。对真理的顺服是服从福音的召唤。 在以这种方式解读的诸多原因中,我想提以下两点:(1)新约圣经中的普遍用法,以及(2)这段经文中的上下文。首先,让我们看看它在其它地方的用法。福音通常被称为“真理”或“真理的道”。
Here are a couple of examples: 以下是一些例子:
Ephesians 1:13 - 13 In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him 以弗所书1:13 13 你们既然听了真理的道,就是使你们得救的福音,也信了基督。
Colossians 1:5 歌罗西书1:5
3 We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, 4 since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have for all the saints, 5 because of the hope laid up for you in heaven. Of this you have heard before in the word of the truth, the gospel, 6 which has come to you, as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and increasing—as it also does among you, since the day you heard it and understood the grace of God in truth, 7 just as you learned it from Epaphras our beloved fellow servant. He is a faithful minister of Christ on your behalf 8 and has made known to us your love in the Spirit. 3 我们为你们祈祷的时候,常常感谢 神我们主耶稣基督的父,4 因为听见你们在基督耶稣里的信心,和对众圣徒的爱心。5 这都是由於那给你们存在天上的盼望,这盼望是你们从前在福音真理的道上听过的。6 这福音传到你们那里,也传到全世界;你们听了福音,因着真理确实认识了 神的恩典之後,这福音就在你们中间不断地结果和增长,在全世界也是一样。7 这福音也就是你们从我们亲爱的、一同作仆人的以巴弗那里学到的。他为你们作了基督忠心的仆役,8 也把你们在圣灵里的爱心告诉了我们。
See also Gal 2:5, 14; 5:7; Eph 1:13; Col 1:5; 2 Thess 2:10, 12, 13; 1 Tim 2:4; 3:15; 4:3; 6:5; 2 Tim 2:15, 18, 25; 3:7, 8; 4:4; Titus 1:1, 14; Heb 10:26; Jas 1:18; 5:19. 又见加拉太书2:5, 14; 5:7; 以弗所书1:13; 歌罗西书1:5; 帖撒罗尼迦后书2:10, 12, 13; 提摩太前书2:4; 3:15; 4:3; 6:5; 提摩太后书2:15, 18, 25; 3:7, 8; 4:4; 提多书1:1, 14; 希伯来书10:26; 雅各书1:18; 5:19.
The second proof comes in this context. Peter makes it explicit that the word of God they received is the gospel in verse 25: “And this word is the good news that was preached to you.” 第二种证明来自这段经文的上下文。彼得明确指出,他们所接受的神的道是第25节中的所提到的福音:“所传给你们的福音就是这道。”
The other place in the context that helps answer the question is 1 Peter 1:1 and the sanctification of the Spirit. The Spirit has set us apart or consecrated us. This is the initial work of being set apart – the Spirit brings new life to a dead soul – what Paul calls the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5). 在上下文中有助于回答这个问题的另一处是彼得前书1:1 以及圣灵所带来的洁净。圣灵已经将我们分别为圣。这就是分别为圣的最初工作——圣灵把新生命带到已死的灵魂里——这就是保罗所说的借着重生的洗和圣灵的更新。(提多书3:5)。
The first verse spoke of this setting apart with reference to the Spirit and now verse 22 shows how the Spirit uses the word. Therefore, the initial answer to what happened and how it happened is this: Peter’s readers were converted and consecrated and this happened when they heard and obeyed the summons of the gospel to repent and believe. 第一节讲到这个处境却没有提到圣灵,现在第22节展示了圣灵如何使用神的道。因此,关于已经发生了什么以及如何发生的最初回答是这样的: 彼得的读者归信并且分别为圣,这发生在当他们听到并服从福音的召唤的时候悔改并相信。
C. Why It Happened: for a sincere brotherly love C. 为什么发生:为追求真诚的弟兄之爱
We will see more details about this new birth at the end of this passage. For now, notice how this new purified disposition leads to a new life of love. This new principle of life and new governing disposition results in love: “for a sincere brotherly love” (v. 22a). This love is now sincere and not fake or insincere because it is the work of God, not some thing we try to drum up. I think the meaning of both regeneration and conversion will become clearer if we look at the last part of this passage. 我们将在这段经文结尾的时候看到更多的细节。现在,让我们注意这种全新的被洁净的性情将如何为我们带来有爱的新生活。这种全新的天性和新的性情将带来爱:“以致能真诚地爱弟兄” (v. 22a)。 这样的爱是真诚的,而不是伪造或虚伪的,因为这是神的工作而不是我们的徒然努力。我想这段经文的结尾部分将会帮助我们对重生和归信有更清晰的理解。
3. What Has Happened: New Birth with Imperishable Seed (23-25) 3. 已经发生了什么:不朽的新生命(v.23-25)
23 since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God; 24 for “All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, 25 but the word of the Lord remains forever.” And this word is the good news that was preached to you. 23你们得了重生,并不是由于能坏的种子,却是由于不能朽坏的,就是借着 神永活长存的道。24 因为所有的人,尽都如草,他们的荣美,都像草上的花;草必枯干,花必凋谢,25 唯有主的道,永远长存。”所传给你们的福音就是这道。
A. What Happened: Born Again A. 已经发生了什么:重生
B. From What Source: Imperishable Seed (Word of God) B. 来源:不朽的种子(上帝的话语)
C. Proof that It Will Not Perish (Isa. 40) C. 关于永不灭亡的证明(以赛亚书40章)
D. What Specific Word does he have in mind: the Gospel D.他心目中的道是指:福音
A. What Happened: The New Birth A. 已经发生了什么:重生
Peter gives almost a text-book description here of the doctrine of the new birth or regeneration in which God implants new life in the soul. These verses call for theological reflection and specification. The theological categories we are unpacking here are regeneration and conversion. What is regeneration? Regeneration is an act of God by which the principle of new life (seed) is implanted in a man or woman with the result that they receive a new governing principle or disposition (that is, the governing disposition or heart is made holy or purified). Peter is trumpeting the truth in verse 22 that his readers turned from their life of sin and idolatry to Christ when they received the preaching of the gospel by the power of the Spirit (1:12). 彼得在这里对新生或重生给出了几乎堪为教科书典范的描述,就是神把新生命植入心灵。这些经文呼唤神学方面的反思和规范。我们在这里要解释的神学范畴是重生和归信。那么什么是重生呢?重生是神的作为,藉着重生,新生命(种子)被植入一个男人或女人,由此他们接受了新的主导性的天性或性情(亦即,主导性的性情或心灵被转变为圣洁或洁净)。彼得在22节中高唱真理说他的读者们在他们藉着圣灵的权能接受福音的传讲时,他们就转离有罪和拜偶像的生活,转向基督(1:12)。
B. From What Source: Imperishable Seed (Word of God) B. 来源:不朽的种子(神的道)
We have both the reference to the new birth and to the seed that is implanted. This was not a natural biological process that would therefore be perishable. This is a supernatural birth from imperishable seed and so it is going to stand the test of time. We have to take some time now to distinguish between regeneration and conversion. 我们既要考虑到重生,也有考虑到重生所植入的种子。这并不是自然界中的生物过程,因而会朽坏。这是超自然的重生,因而能够经受时间的考验。我们现在必须花时间来区分重生与归信。
Regeneration is “the implanting of the seed” while conversion is “the result of that planting.” Regeneration is not something we do. It is the work of God – we are entirely passive. As a result of that supernatural work (regeneration – implanted word) now we respond with conversion. Conversion is something that we do (we turn away and turn toward) whereas regeneration is something that is done to us by God. Conversion means a turning away from one thing to another in practice, but that is not the meaning of regeneration. When people turn away from a life of sin and turn to embrace Christ they are giving proof that regeneration has happened. Conversion is always the first act that follows regeneration. 重生是“种子的植入”,而归信是“植入的结果”。重生不是出于我们的作为,而是上帝的工作——我们完全是被动的。那超自然的工作(重生——植入神的话语)的结果就是我们现在以归信作为回应。归信是我们的作为(我们转离而归向)而重生是上帝对我们所做的工作。归信在实践中意味着转离一件事而追求另一件事,但这并不是重生的意思。当人们脱离罪恶的生活而拥抱基督的时候,他们是在展现重生的确据。归信永远是在重生后的第一步行动。
If you use the analogy of child-birth, you know a new born baby is alive by the signs of life – usually the first sign of life is crying, screaming, or moving. You cannot have life without the manifestation of that life and the same is true in new spiritual life. Conversion involves repentance and faith. Acts 20:21 is a great example. 如果你用分娩来比喻,你就会知道新生儿具有生命迹象——生命的第一个迹象通常是哭泣,尖叫或扭动。你不可能有生命却没有生命的迹象。新的属灵生命也是这样,归信表现为悔改和信心。使徒行传20:21是一个很好的例子。
20 how I did not shrink from declaring to you anything that was profitable, and teaching you in public and from house to house, 21 testifying both to Jews and to Greeks of repentance toward God and of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. 20 你们也知道,我从来没有留下一件有益的事,不在众人面前或在各人家里告诉你们,教导你们。21 我对犹太人和希腊人都作过见证,要他们悔改归向神,信靠我们的主耶稣。
1 Thessalonians 1:8-9 帖撒罗尼迦前书1:8-9
8 For not only has the word of the Lord sounded forth from you in Macedonia and Achaia, but your faith in God has gone forth everywhere, so that we need not say anything. 9 For they themselves report concerning us the kind of reception we had among you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, 10 and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come. 8 因为不单主的道从你们那里传遍了马其顿和亚该亚,就是你们对神的信心也传遍了各处,所以我们不用再说甚么了。 9 他们都述说你们是怎样接待我们,而且怎样离弃偶像归向神,要服事这位又真又活的神,10 并且等候他的儿子从天降临。这就是神使他从死人中复活,救我们脱离将来的忿怒的那位耶稣。
*15 And I said, ‘Who are you, Lord?’ And the Lord said, ‘I am Jesus whom you are persecuting. 16 But rise and stand upon your feet, for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you as a servant and witness to the things in which you have seen me and to those in which I will appear to you, 17 delivering you from your people and from the Gentiles—to whom I am sending you 18 to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.’ * 15 我说:‘主啊,你是谁?’主说:‘我就是你所迫害的耶稣。16 你起来,站着,我向你显现,是要指派你为我工作。你要为你所见过的事,和我将要向你显明的事作见证。17我要救你脱离这人民和外族人,差遣你到他们那里去,18 开他们的眼睛,使他们从黑暗中归向光明,从撒但的权下归向神,使他们的罪恶得到赦免,并且在那些因信我而成圣的人中同得基业。’(使徒行传26:15-18)
Peter is talking about a God-wrought miracle. God implanted an imperishable seed and now everything is new. This new birth is a new disposition or a purification that results in a new trajectory of sin-slaying, Christ-exalting, holiness-pursuing, righteousness-thirsting, God-loving life of obedience. This principle is perhaps most clearly stated in 1 John 3:9. 彼得谈论的是上帝所创造的奇迹。上帝植入了一颗不朽的种子,现在一切都是新的了。这样的新生命是一种新的性情或一种洁净,其结果将改变我们的轨迹,带领我们脱离罪恶、尊崇基督、追求圣洁、饥渴慕义、并且热爱上帝的顺服生活。这个原则在约翰壹书3:9中说明得最清楚。
9 No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God (1 John 3:9). 9 凡是从神生的,就不犯罪,因为神的生命在他里面;他也不能犯罪,因为他是从神生的(约翰壹书3:9)。
C. Proof That It Will Not Perish C. 关于永不朽坏的证明
How do we know that this new work of God will not wither and die? The seed is imperishable. How do we know the seed is imperishable? It is the living and abiding word of God? But how do we know the word is imperishable? Isaiah has something to say about it. Peter quotes Isaiah 40:6-8. 我们怎么知道上帝的这项新工作不会枯干凋谢?因为种子不会朽坏。我们怎么知道那种子不会朽坏?神的道是活泼而持久的吗?但是我们怎么知道神的道是永不朽坏的呢?以赛亚对此有话要说。彼得引用了以赛亚书40:6-8
I want to highlight two things about this quotation: (1) the context of Isaiah 40, and (2) what the apostle Peter emphasizes. 我需要借着这段引用经文重点提出两点:(1)以赛亚书40章的上下文,以及(2)使徒彼得所强调的是什么。
First, The quotation and the context of the quotation here is important. You will remember what we said about being spiritual elect exiles. In Isaiah 40, Israel was in exile to the Babylonians. They looked so powerful that some questioned whether God’s promises were powerful enough to rescue them from theBabylonians. Isaiah 40 is full of big God theology. God says that the nations are a drop in the bucket, dust on the scales, less than nothing. God’s power stands behind his promises. His power will accomplish what he says. It was the lesson Abraham learned: God is able to do what he promised. 首先,这段引用的经文及其上下文是非常重要的。你将回想起我们所谈到的“属灵的寄居选民”。在以赛亚书40章,以色列人被流放到巴比伦。巴比伦人看上去很强大,以致人向上帝发问,质疑是否有足够强大的应许来将他们从巴比伦人手中解救出来。以赛亚书40章中充满了伟大上帝的神学观。在上帝眼中,万国都像水桶里的一滴、天平上的微尘、属于虚空。在上帝的应许背后的是上帝的大能。祂的大能能够成就祂所说的一切。这是亚伯拉罕所学到的教训:上帝有能力成就祂所应许的。
Here in verses 6-8, God promises he will restore them from their exile in Babylon. The nations will not be powerless to stand against his promised word. Nations like Babylon are like grass and the flower of grass. The flowers are there on day and gone the next as the wind blows them away. They are perishable. Peter appears to relate this to the power of Rome and the persecutors of his day. It surely seemed strong to everyone (maybe almost invincible), but their glory and power were truly short-lived. Rome may be in the spring season of its power and some of its flowers may last through the summer, but the fall season is coming and there will withering and dying and perishing as it is buried in historical dust like the Minnesota ground is buried with inches of snow. 彼得在这里所引用的以赛亚书40章6-8节,上帝应许将使他们从巴比伦流放中复兴。万国将无力反对祂所应许的。巴比伦这样的列国将像花草一样。头天还繁茂的花,第二天风一吹就凋谢了。他们是容易朽坏的。彼得显然是将此与罗马及他当时的迫害者的力量联系起来。无疑对每个人来说这些迫害者很强大(几乎是立于不败之地),但是他们的荣耀和能力却是很短暂的。罗马所具有的能力就像在春季繁茂的花朵,可能会持续到整个夏天,但是秋季一到,这些花就会枯干、凋谢和灭亡,很快就被埋在历史的尘埃中,就像在明州的冬天,大地被几尺厚的积雪覆盖。
Second, notice that Peter puts the weight of emphasis on imperishable. It is one of Peter’s favorite terms for chapter 1. 第二,请注意彼得将重点放在“不能朽坏”上。这是彼得在第一章中最喜欢的用语。
Our heavenly inheritance is imperishable (1:4) and our redemption is imperishable (1:18) because we are redeemed with the precious blood of Christ, not perishable things like the world’s currency – silver or gold. 我们存在天上的基业是不能朽坏的(1:4)并且我们的救赎也是不能朽坏的(1:18)因为我们是藉着耶稣基督的宝血而赎回的,不是藉着像世上的货币(金子、银子)这些容易朽坏的东西。
Now we hear that the seed from which we are begotten or came alive is also imperishable (abiding, enduring, will not perish). 现在我们听到,我们从中获得重生的种子也是不朽的(持久、坚忍、永不毁坏)。
not of perishable seed but of imperishable (v. 23) 并不是由于能坏的种子,却是由于不能朽坏的 (第23节)
Imperishable: the word 不能朽坏的:神的道
through the living and abiding word of God (v. 23) 就是借着神永活长存的道(第23节)
Perishable: this world 能朽坏的:这个世界
The grass withers, and the flower falls (v. 24) 草必枯干,花必凋谢(第24节)
Imperishable: the word 不能朽坏的:神的道
but the word of the Lord remains forever (v. 25) 唯有主的道,永远长存(第25节)
D. This Word is the Gospel (v. 25) D.这道就是福音(第25节)
And this word is the good news that was preached to you. 所传给你们的福音就是这道
God’s word is evergreen. The seed of God’s word is imperishable. What does this mean for our love? The flower of our love will endure the harshest conditions: scorching heat, blizzard temperatures, persecution, pandemics. 神的道常青。神的道的种子是不能朽坏的。这对我们的爱意味着什么呢?我们的爱之花将经受最恶劣条件的考验:炎热,暴风雪的温度,逼迫,瘟疫大流行。
This means that nothing in this world, even persecution will be able to blow out the flame of love that is present in the church through the gospel. 这意味着在这个世界上没有任何东西,就算是逼迫,也不能够吹灭教会中因福音而存在的爱的火焰。
2. What You Must Do: Love One Another (v. 22b) 2. 你现在应当做什么:彼此相爱(v.22b)
love one another earnestly from a pure heart, 就应当从清洁的心里彼此切实相爱。
This love command has three features: (A) love one another (what), (B) earnestly (how), (C) from a pure heart (from where). 关于彼此相爱的呼召具有三方面特征:(A)彼此相爱(对象),(B)切实地(如何),(C)清洁的心(来自哪里)。
A. What: Love One Another A. 对象:彼此相爱
What is love? The love we have in the gospel is God’s purposeful, self-giving love that is not based on what we have done for Him. In other words, biblical love is not earned. 爱是什么?我们在福音所提到的爱是上帝有目的的、自我献身的爱,不是基于我们对上帝的行为。换句话说,圣经中的爱不是挣得的。
11 For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. 12 We should not be like Cain, who was of the evil one and murdered his brother. 11 我们应当彼此相爱,因为这是你们从起初听见的信息。12 不要像该隐,他是属于那恶者的,他又杀了自己的弟弟。为甚么杀他呢?因为他自己的行为是恶的,弟弟的行为是义的。(约翰壹书3:11-12)
14 We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brothers. Whoever does not love abides in death. 15 Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. 16 By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. 17 But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? 18 Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. 14 我们因为爱弟兄,就知道我们已经出死入生了;不爱弟兄的,仍然住在死中。15 凡恨弟兄的,就是杀人的。你们知道,杀人的在他里面没有永生。16 主为我们舍命,这样,我们就知道甚么是爱;我们也应当为弟兄舍命。17 凡有世上财物的,看见弟兄穷乏,却硬着心肠不理,他怎能说他心里有神的爱呢?18 孩子们,我们爱人,不要只在言语和舌头上,总要在行动和真诚上表现出来。(约翰壹书3:14-16)
Therefore, we were set free by love in order to love like we are loved. Jesus gave himself (laid down his life) and so we ought to do the same (lay down our lives for one another). This love cannot be a “lip service” love. It must be on display in deed and truth (like sharing what we have with people in need). 因此,我们被上帝的爱所释放,因而能像被上帝所爱一样来彼此相爱。耶稣舍弃自己(献出自己的生命),从而我们也应该这样做(为彼此献出生命)。这样的爱不是挂在嘴上,而是体现在善行和真理中(就像与有需要的人分享我们所拥有的)。
B. How: Earnestly B. 如何:切实地
This word “earnestly” occurs only two other times and I believe it gives a flavor for what earnest means. “切实地”这个词只出现在其他另外两个地方,我相信这两处经文可以帮助你更好地品味它的意味。
44 And being in agony he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground (Luke 22:44) 44 耶稣非常伤痛,祷告更加恳切,汗如大血点滴在地上(路加福音22:44)
5 So Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church (Acts 12:5) 5 彼得就这样被拘留在监里;但教会却为他迫切地祈求神(使徒行传12:5)。
Peter calls us to love like we mean it, like weighty things are at stake – with Jesus in the garden – it was facing the most momentous reality ever – the wrath of God to save us. When Peter was in prison, once again it was a momentous time – life and death hang in the balance. 彼得呼召我们全心全意地爱,就像处于危急关头一样——在客西马尼园里的耶稣——面临着有史以来最重大的现实——上帝的愤怒,来拯救我们。当彼得被拘留在监里,又一个关键时刻——生死攸关的时刻。
In other words, it would be out of place to take a passive approach to love as if nothing were really at stake in how we love. It matters immensely. There should be a passion and urgency to our love that accords with our estimate of how important it is. 换句话说,如果采取被动的方式去爱,好像事情对我们无关紧要,这爱就会显得格格不入。这非常重要。我们的爱应该充满激情和紧迫感,与我们对爱的重要性估计相符。
C. From Where? From the Heart C. 来自哪里?清洁的心
This is one of the most important payoffs from the Bilateral. Peter said that God has already purified us for a sincere (unmixed, non-hypocritical) brotherly (family) love. In other words, the change has happened. 这是双边关系中最重要的决定性因素之一。彼得说上帝已经洁净了我们,为的是让我们获得真诚的(无混合的、不虚伪的)弟兄(家人)之爱。换句话说,转变已经发生了。
Imagine a scenario in Looney Tunes where the dog is on a chain and Foghorn leghorn the Rooster is standing just out of reach. The dog runs to get him but always stops short because of the chain. The dog barks and the Rooster says, “ah shet up” and then wacks him with a 2x4 piece of wood. 想象在动画片《乐一通》中的一个场景,狗被拴在链子上,来享鸡就站在链子长度之外。狗扑向来享鸡,却总是被链条勒住。狗狂吠,鸡说:“闭嘴”然后往狗嘴里塞2x4块木块。
Imagine if the chain is gone. The dog runs, but doesn’t stop and get choked by the chain. The rooster is in trouble. 再想象一下,如果链条不见了,那条狗跑过来了,但是没有被链条卡住,那公鸡就麻烦了。
But what Peter is saying is positive. You no longer have the chain. You are set free to love. God did this. In other words, the command to love is a certain kind of command like Jesus gives in the Gospels. He says to the paralytic: take up your bed and walk. That would be a cruel command if the paralytic did not have the ability to obey it. But Jesus gave life to dead legs so they could get up and walk. So the command is freeing. I healed your legs to walk so WALK! The command in our text is the same: Your heart has been healed to love: So LOVE! 但是彼得这里所说的是积极的。你不再被链条所束缚。你已经获得爱的自由。上帝已经做到了。换句话说,彼此相爱命令中的爱是像在福音中耶稣所给的那种爱。祂对瘫痪者说:起来,拿着你的褥子走吧。如果瘫痪者没有能力服从,那将是一个残酷的命令。但是耶稣赐生机给坏死的腿,使瘫痪者可以起身行走。因此,上帝的命令是给人自由。我治愈了你的腿,因此你可以起身行!这段经文中的命令也是如此:你的心已经被爱治愈了:所以要彼此相
There is also a progression to the command. The first three commands: hope fully, be holy, fear were all in relationship to God. But now the command shifts to how to live rightly in relationship to one another. “The Christian life cannot be lived authentically in isolation” (Jobes, 1 Peter, Baker Exegetical Commentary, p. 123). 这个命令是渐进的。前三个命令:满怀盼望、圣洁、敬畏,都是跟上帝之间的关系。但是现在这个命令转移到了如何正确处理人与人之间的关系。“基督徒的生命不可能在离群索居中切实地活出来。” (Jobes, 1 Peter, Baker Exegetical Commentary, p. 123).
Conclusion: The Brand Image of the Church 结语:教会的品牌形象
How is the church to be known in the world? A place of successful people, smart people, really good debaters? The church is to be known for its love. “Love one another, even as I have loved you By this all men will know that you are My disciples” (John 13:34, 35). The loc The local church is a display window for Christ’s supernatural love to the world. If we are a display window for Christ’s supernatural love, then that means the local church is a love laboratory. We are always working on our love, evaluating our love, improving our love. 教会将如何在世上被人们所认识?是一个成功人士、聪明人、雄辩家们聚集的地方吗?教会应当以她的爱而被世人所知。“就是要你们彼此相爱;我怎样爱你们,你们也要怎样彼此相爱。35 如果你们彼此相爱,众人就会认出你们是我的门徒了。” (约翰福音13:34, 35)。地方教会是基督对世界超自然之爱的展示窗。如果我们是基督对世界超自然之爱的展示窗口,那么地方教会就是操练彼此相爱的实验室。我们一直致力于为爱而努力,评估我们的爱,增进我们的爱。
How are we doing at loving one another? How often do we seek to control or manage people rather than love them? How often do we wear the robes of the ruler, rather than the apron of the servant? What is the “brand image” of the church today? I doubt that the first thing people think of is “love.” I fear that conversations among Christians quickly turn into opportunities to talk about ourselves rather than finding out how to love others better. 我们在彼此相爱这方面做得如何?有多少时候我们试图掌控或操纵他人而不去爱人?有多少时候我们穿的是统治者的长袍,而不是仆人的围裙?今天教会的品牌形象是什么?我怀疑人们首先想到的是“爱”。我担心基督徒之间的交谈会很快变为谈论自己的机会,而不是寻找机会更好地去爱别人。.
Bethlehem has sometimes been called a teaching church – and it is true. We love teaching! But are we working towards the goal of our teaching? The apostle Paul says that love is the very goal for our teaching: “The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith” (1 Tim. 1:5). 伯利恒教会有时会被称为教导型教会——这是真的。我们喜欢教导人!但我们是否在努力实现我们的教导目标?使徒保罗曾说彼此相爱是我们教导人的最终目的: “这嘱咐的目的是出于爱;这爱是发自纯洁的心、无愧的良心和无伪的信心。” (提摩太前书 1:5).
R. C. Chapman was someone that Spurgeon called the saintliest man I ever knew. He was so well known for love he was called the apostle of love. In fact, people knew about his love so much that an American wanted to send a letter to him but did not know his address. So he wrote to R. C. Chapman, University of Love, London, England, and it reached him! 查普曼被司布真称作是他所认识的最像圣徒的人之一。他如此因爱而闻名,以至于被称为爱的使徒。事实上,他的爱家喻户晓,以至于一个美国人想寄封信给他,却不知道他的住址,就在信封上写了英国,伦敦,爱的大学,查普曼收,最终这封信被送到了他手里!
One of the things he lived by that sounds both so simple and yet so profound is this: Our words, actions, and attitudes should not violate God’s command to love. (I am summarizing Alexander Strauch’s comments in Agape Leadership, 1991, p. 5).1 他赖以生存的一件事听起来既简单又深刻的,就是:我们的言行举止和态度都不应违反上帝对爱的命令。(我总结Alexander Strauch在1991年的《 Agape Leadership》中的注释. 第五页)
So apply this to the debated issues of our day. Do we engage potentially divisive issues with extra care to not violate Christ’s rule of love? When debating with other believers about how the government has handled the stay at home order and other details, you may share something and think: that was a good point. I don’t know how my debate opponents are going to answer that logic. Govenor Waltz has overextended his authority – we should have the ability to gather whenever we want. Or others say “no, we need to submit to authority as they try to keep people safe and not let this pandemic spread further.” 因此,将其应用于当今辩论中的问题。我们是否会格外小心地对待容易引起分歧的问题,从而不违反基督关于爱的原则?当与其他信徒就政府如何处理居家令和其他细节进行辩论时,你可能会分享一些想法,并认为:这是一个好主意。我不知道我的辩论对手将如何回答这种逻辑。有人认为瓦尔茨州长滥用职权——我们本该可以随时随地聚会。或者又有一些人会说:“不行,我们需要服从权威,因为他们试图确保人们的安全,而不是让这瘟疫大流行进一步蔓延。“
Or as we get into election season, you may hear some people saying, “Joe Biden is going to do more for the public good than Donald Trump – how can you vote for someone with such a flawed character?” Or other people say, “how can you vote for Joe Biden – you need to vote for Donald Trump – he is going to be staunchly pro-life and appoint conservative Supreme Court Justices.” After making your initial points (commending your convictions to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God), you may be tempted to play the Holy Spirit and produce conviction with the force of your logic and even the intensity of your language. And it keeps escalating until the person before you is an opponent to beat rather than a brother or sister to love. And in those moments, you think you are saying: “What I am saying is really important, you better listen….” But what God hears you say, “clang, clang, clang,” and “gong, gong, gong.” 或是大选临近,你可能会听到一些人说,“在公共利益上,拜登比川普做了更多的事情——你怎么能把选票投给这样一个品格有缺陷的人呢?”或者又有些人会说,“你怎么能把选票投给拜登 ——你应该投票给川普——他将坚定地支持护生运动,并任命保守派的最高法院大法官”。在提出你的最初意见之后(在上帝面前,将你的信念交给每个人的良心进行衡量),你可能很想扮演圣灵的角色,并凭借自己的逻辑能力甚至措辞的强度让人相信。甚至一再激化,直到你面前的那个人变成需要被击败的对手,而不是以弟兄姐妹的心来彼此相爱。在这些时候,你以为你是在说:“我所说的内容是非常重要的,你要好好听着......”但上帝所听到的却是铿锵作响的“当当当”和“咣咣咣”。
When the world is in chaos and it looks at times like all hell is breaking loose, the message of the church is that all heaven broke loose when the heavens were rent and the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus and he accomplished God’s purpose to save us and bring us into his family so that we can be the display case for the love of Christ here on earth – so we can sing (even in a pandemic): It is Well. 当世界乱成一锅粥的时候,似乎地狱之门洞开之际,从教会传出的信息却是天堂之门洞开。当天敞开,圣灵降在耶稣身上时,祂实现了上帝的旨意,来拯救我们并将我们带入祂的家中,为让我们成为基督之爱在世上的展示台——所以我们一起来赞美(即便在瘟疫大流行之下):我心灵得安宁。
Sermon Discussion Questions 讲道讨论问题
Title: Love One Another 标题:彼此相爱
Text: 1 Peter 1:22-25 经文:彼得前书1:22-25
Outline 纲要
1. What Already Happened (v. 22a) 1. 已经发生了什么(v.22a)
A. What Happened: Purified Souls A. 发生了什么:洁净的心灵
B. How It Happened: by your obedience to the truth B. 怎么发生的:你对真理的顺从
C. Why It Happened: for a sincere brotherly love C. 为什么发生:为追求真诚的弟兄之爱
2. What Must Happen Now (v. 22b) 2. 你现在应当做什么(v.22b)
A. What (love one another) A. 对象(彼此相爱)
B. How (earnestly) B. 如何(切实地)
C. What Source (from a pure heart) C. 来自哪里(清洁的心)
3. What Already Happened (vs. 23-25) 3. 已经发生了什么(v.23-25)
A. What Happened: Born Again A. 已经发生了什么:重生
B. From What Source: Imperishable Seed (Word of God) B. 来源:不朽的种子(上帝的话语)
C. Proof that It Will Not Perish (Isa. 40:6-8) C. 关于永不灭亡的证明(以赛亚书40:6-8)
D. What Specific Word does he have in mind: the Gospel D. 他所指的道具体而言就是:福音
Main Point 要点
Believers should love one another earnestly because they have been set apart to love and they have been born again of imperishable seed. 信徒应切实彼此相爱,因为他们已经被分别为圣而去爱了,并且从不朽的种子中重生。
General Questions 一般性问题
1. What were your initial responses to the sermon? What was the Holy Spirit doing in your heart during or after the sermon? Was there a new insight gained? Any questions prompted? What did you find convicting, helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain. 1. 你对讲道最初的反应是什么?在讲道期间或结束后,圣灵在你心中作了什么?你有获得新洞见吗?想到什么问题吗?你发现有什么为罪痛悔、有帮助、开眼界,或有烦恼的?请解释。
2. What point from the sermon landed on you with the most weight of joy or conviction? What things did you see and savor that you feel like you need to share with others? 2. .讲道中哪一点最能让你感到喜乐或为罪忧心?你看到什么或品味到什么让你觉得需要与他人分享?
Discussion Questions 讨论问题
1. What is a bilateral? How does the Bilateral structure help explain the point of 1 Peter 1:22-25? 1. 双边关系是什么?双边关系如何帮助我们解释彼得前书1:22-25 中的要点?
2. What is the difference between regeneration and conversion? How do verses 22-25 help unpack the doctrine of regeneration and conversion? 2. 重生与归信之间的区别是什么?22-25节的经文如何帮助我们揭示这两个教义之间的区别?
3. The doctrine of sanctification in Scripture could be summarized as “become what you are.” How 1 Peter 1:22-25 in its details and very structure fit this pattern? 3. 圣经中关于成圣的教义可以概括为“成为你所是的”。彼得前书1:22-25的细节和结构是如何适应这种模式的?
Application Questions 应用问题
1. If love is to be the defining mark of believers, how would you assess where you are as a believer and where Bethlehem is as a church? Are we a display window for the supernatural love of Christ? In what ways are we accomplishing this mission and in what ways are we hindering it? 1. 如果将爱作为基督徒的标志,你将如何评估自己的基督徒的身份以及伯利恒的教会身份?我们有成为向世人展示基督超自然之爱的窗口吗?是什么帮助我们完成这项任务,又是什么阻碍了我们?
2. What are some practical ways that you can grow in becoming what you are? If you were set free and purified to love, how can love in greater ways. 2. 你将通过哪些实际行动来成为你所是的?如果你已被上帝的爱所释放,你将怎样以更伟大的方式去爱?
3. What truths landed upon you in this message that you need to share with others in your life? How can you share these truths? Devote it to prayer! 3. 你将和其他人分享从这段经文中发现的什么真理?你将怎么分享这些真理?献上祷告!
Prayer Focus: Pray for a grace for the Lord to become what we are as children of the God who is love. 祷告重点:求主赐恩惠,使我们彼此相爱,就像上帝爱我们一样。


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