PEAK 8.16 雨琪

PEAK 8.16 雨琪

作者: 裕祺 | 来源:发表于2017-08-16 15:25 被阅读17次


    不得不说找个好老师还是非常重要啊。有个学姐曾这样跟我说:都说师傅领进门修行在个人,快毕业了才知道,我们的老师自己都没有入门啊……(耸肩)所以学英语的时候就想说找一个起码自己入门了的老师= =然而更重要的是肯帮我纠错……被捧在高位却没有助教的大牛还是算了

    Remember: if your mind is wandering or you’re relaxed and just having fun, you probably won’t improve.


    又是一记石锤……误入歧途了好久,以为一件事情如果让人太不开心,就是进入了紧张区而不是学习区,觉得凡是开心就好……于是就看剧学习英语去了,however,轻松好玩不假,而且超开心的,就是心疼考试报名费= =不过也是自我调节的手段之一吧,whatever

    To effectively practice a skill without a teacher, it helps to keep in mind three Fs: Focus. Feedback. Fix it.

    3F原则:专注focus、反馈feedback、纠正fix it





    This sort of thinking just gave people an excuse not to pursue things that they might otherwise really enjoy and perhaps even be good at, and he didn’t want to fall into that trap.



    entail vt.使需要,必需;承担

    This process will likely entail some trial and error, but there are a few ways you can improve your chances of success.

    Restructuring will inevitably entail compromise.

    speak highly 称赞

    Do they speak highly of the teacher?

    sophomore year 大二学年

    I can think about a specific point sophomore year

    My brother is in his sophomore year.

    humble adj.谦逊的;简陋的

    来自古法语humble,卑微的,来自拉丁语humilis,尘土一样的,来自humus,土,尘土,词源同humus.引申词义卑微的,谦逊的。习语to eat humble pie,赔礼,道歉,来自umbles,动物内脏,词源同loin,lumbar.动物内脏在过去属于下等食品,是给仆人或奴仆等下等人吃的,因而引申该词义,同时,由于umbles对大多数人来说都属于陌生词,词义又恰好与humble吻合,因此,拼写最终被humble所代替。插入字母b,比较number,numerate.

    In his typically humble way, Franklin recalled in his autobiography how he could tell that the practice was having its desired effect: “I sometimes had the pleasure of fancying that, in certain particulars of small import, I had been lucky enough to improve the method or the language, and this encouraged me to think I might possibly in time come to be a tolerable English writer, of which I was extremely ambitious.”

    Amy was forced to eat humble pie and publicly apologize to her. (eat humble pie 低头谢罪)

    hallmark n.特点;品质证明

    The hallmark of purposeful or deliberate practice is that you try to do something you cannot do—that takes you out of your comfort zone—and that you practice it over and over again, focusing on exactly how you are doing it, where you are falling short, and how you can get better.

    One hallmark of a good politician is his ability to influence people.



          本文标题:PEAK 8.16 雨琪
