

作者: 蓝柿 | 来源:发表于2019-01-06 13:25 被阅读54次

以下内容出自《根基儿童品格(1)》(Root Children Character(1),根基成长教育机构著,江西人民出版社)一书,书中没有注明作者。

I will set higher goals. Forget what is behind and strain toward what is ahead. I will believe that every problem has a solution. I will seek better ways to solve the problems.

I will be realistic and not vain.I will do my works decisively. I will work with others willingly.I will not give up even in time of adversity.

I will be just, I will be fair.I will do to other people just the way that I want them to do to me.

I will spend money appropriately and make good use of resources.

I will control my tongue, and not talk about someone behind his back.

I will try to understand you, I'll appreciate, respect you. I won't try to make you into someone just like me. I will do my best to forgive you, I will value what's inside you. I'll accept you as you are though you are not like me.

Be grateful to people and to the enviroment for all that I have.

Be authentic,don't deceive yourself and others.Treat myself and others with the same standard.

See the limitations of myself. Control your desires, and choose to do the right and wholesome things all the time. I will distinguish between my desires and real needs.

Firmly believe that what was expected will come true.


Two farmers looked for rain, their crops were needing water

They badly needed rain, the farmers were so anxious

They bowed their heads, they pled for rain

Oh god, please send us water

One went to sleep, the other put out pots to catch the rain

Now tell me if you may, which one showed real faith

Faith believes wht eyes can't see and

Faith believes good things will happen

Faith believes what eyes can't see and

Faith believes dreams can come true


Honesty, honesty, don't lie to myself

Honesty, honesty, don't lie to anyone else

Do the things that I say I will do

Let my heart and my actions be true with no deceit, that's honesty

I will train my heart to welcome honesty

Walking in the truth sets me free


Every day across the sky the sun moves east to west

Every month the moon appears in ways we can predict

Every movement of the stars, everything has order

The great creator ordered everything in nature

Thank you great creator for the order and reliance


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