[OCaml] modular implicits

[OCaml] modular implicits

作者: 何幻 | 来源:发表于2018-08-14 00:27 被阅读13次

    1. 背景

    在看《Exploring ReasonML and functional programming》的时候,
    Basic values and types 一章提到了,modular implicits的概念,

    ReasonML does not currently support ad hoc polymorphism where the same operation is implemented differently depending on the types of the parameters. Haskell, another functional programming language supports ad hoc polymorphism via type classes. ReasonML may eventually support it via the similar modular implicits.


    1. module

    通过使用 Language extensions: first-class module,也可以作为first-class value来使用。

    module一般由两部分组成,struct 和 signature。
    类似于一个变量的,value 和 type。

    1.1 module struct

    module PrioQueue =
        type priority = int
        type 'a queue = Empty | Node of priority * 'a * 'a queue * 'a queue
        let empty = Empty
        let rec insert queue prio elt =
          match queue with
            Empty -> Node(prio, elt, Empty, Empty)
          | Node(p, e, left, right) ->
              if prio <= p
              then Node(prio, elt, insert right p e, left)
              else Node(p, e, insert right prio elt, left)
        exception Queue_is_empty
        let rec remove_top = function
            Empty -> raise Queue_is_empty
          | Node(prio, elt, left, Empty) -> left
          | Node(prio, elt, Empty, right) -> right
          | Node(prio, elt, (Node(lprio, lelt, _, _) as left),
                            (Node(rprio, relt, _, _) as right)) ->
              if lprio <= rprio
              then Node(lprio, lelt, remove_top left, right)
              else Node(rprio, relt, left, remove_top right)
        let extract = function
            Empty -> raise Queue_is_empty
          | Node(prio, elt, _, _) as queue -> (prio, elt, remove_top queue)


    module module_name = struct ... end;;

    模块外部可以使用dot notaion来访问struct内部的名字,
    例如,PrioQueue.insert PrioQueue.empty 1 "hello";;

    1.2 module signature


    module type PRIOQUEUE =
        type priority = int         (* still concrete *)
        type 'a queue               (* now abstract *)
        val empty : 'a queue
        val insert : 'a queue -> int -> 'a -> 'a queue
        val extract : 'a queue -> int * 'a * 'a queue
        exception Queue_is_empty


    module type signature_name = sig ... end;;

    使用signature PRIOQUEUE对struct PrioQueue进行限制,

    module AbstractPrioQueue = (PrioQueue : PRIOQUEUE);;
    AbstractPrioQueue.remove_top ;;
    (* Error: Unbound value AbstractPrioQueue.remove_top *)


    module PrioQueue = (struct ... end : PRIOQUEUE);;
    module PrioQueue : PRIOQUEUE = struct ... end;;

    1.3 functor

    Functors are “functions” from modules to modules.


    type comparison = Less | Equal | Greater;;
    (* 定义一个module的signature *)
    module type ORDERED_TYPE =
        type t
        val compare: t -> t -> comparison
    (* 定义一个functor,它要求参数module实现了 ORDERED_TYPE*)
    module Set =
      functor (Elt: ORDERED_TYPE) ->
          type element = Elt.t
          type set = element list
          let empty = []
          let rec add x s =
            match s with
              [] -> [x]
            | hd::tl ->
               match Elt.compare x hd with
                 Equal   -> s         (* x is already in s *)
               | Less    -> x :: s    (* x is smaller than all elements of s *)
               | Greater -> hd :: add x tl
          let rec member x s =
            match s with
              [] -> false
            | hd::tl ->
                match Elt.compare x hd with
                  Equal   -> true     (* x belongs to s *)
                | Less    -> false    (* x is smaller than all elements of s *)
                | Greater -> member x tl
    (* 一个实现了ORDERED_TYPE的module *)
    module OrderedString =
          type t = string
          let compare x y = if x = y then Equal else if x < y then Less else Greater
    (* 调用functor返回一个具体的module *)
    module StringSet = Set(OrderedString);;

    1.4 first-class modules

    Language extensions 指的是,在OCaml中实现的,但是没有在OCaml参考手册中提到的特性。
    与first-class module相关的特性,以及OCaml版本号如下,

    Introduced in OCaml 3.12;
    pattern syntax and package type inference introduced in 4.00;
    structural comparison of package types introduced in 4.02.;
    fewer parens required starting from 4.05)

    这个语言扩展,可以将module打包(pack)成一个first-class value,
    然后在适当的时候再动态解包(dynamically unpacked into a module)。

    表达式( module module-expr : package-type )
    会将由module-expr表示的模块,转换成一个value,这个value的类型为module package-type

    与之想对应的,表达式( val expr : package-type )
    会将类型为module package-typeexpr进行求值,得到它所包装的那个module。

    first-class module的一个典型应用,

    每一个module都可以打包成first-class value,
    于是就可以保存到数据结构中了,例如hash table中。

    (* signature *)
    module type DEVICE = sig … end
    let devices : (string, (module DEVICE)) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
    (* 实现该signature的某一具体实现 *)
    module SVG = struct … end
    let _ = Hashtbl.add devices "SVG" (module SVG : DEVICE)
    (* 实现该signature的另一具体实现 *)
    module PDF = struct … end
    let _ = Hashtbl.add devices "PDF" (module PDF: DEVICE)
    (* 根据用户输入的名字,动态选择module *)
    module Device =
        (val (try Hashtbl.find devices (parse_cmdline())
            with Not_found -> eprintf "Unknown device %s\n"; exit 2)
        : DEVICE)
    let draw_using_device device_name picture =
        (* 使用pattern matching,解包出动态选择的module *)
        let module Device =
            (val (Hashtbl.find devices device_name) : DEVICE)
            Device.draw picture

    2. ad-hoc polymorphism

    First-Class Modules and Modular Implicits in OCaml这篇文章里提到,

    First-class modules + implicits = typeclasses in ML.

    为了理解这句话,我们要先理解 ad-hoc polymorphism 以及 type class

    以下是维基百科对ad-hoc polymorphism的解释,

    In programming languages, ad hoc polymorphism is a kind of polymorphism in which polymorphic functions can be applied to arguments of different types, because a polymorphic function can denote a number of distinct and potentially heterogeneous implementations depending on the type of argument(s) to which it is applied. It is also known as function overloading or operator overloading.

    即,一个具有ad-hoc polymorphism的函数,

    2.1 type class

    haskell中常用的show函数就是ad-hoc polymorphism的,

    show 3
    > "3"
    show 5.334
    > "5.334"
    show True
    > "True"


    这是由于haskell中采用了type class,用来实现ad-hoc polymorphism,
    其中,show函数是Show这个type class声明的一种约束(constraint),

    class Show a where
      show :: a -> String
    instance Show Int where
      show = showSignedInt

    对于用户自定义的类型,只需要像上面指定它为Show type class的实例,

    Type classes are implemented using a type-directed implicit parameter-passing mechanism. Each constraint on a type is treated as a parameter containing a dictionary of the methods of the type class. The corresponding argument is implicitly inserted by the compiler using the appropriate type class instance.

    2.2 implicits

    和Haskell不同的是,OCaml中的 modular implicits 借鉴了Scala中 implicits 的思想,

    Parameters can be marked implicit which then allows them to be omitted
    from function calls.


    // 定义一个show函数
    def show [ T ]( x : T )( implicit s : Showable [T ]): String
    trait Showable [T] { def show (x: T ): String }
    object IntShowable extends Showable [ Int ] {
      def show (x: Int ) = x. toString
    // 第二个参数传入一个具体的类型
    show (7)( IntShowable)


    implicit object IntShowable extends Showable [ Int ] {
      def show (x: Int ) = x. toString
    show (7)


    2.3 modular implicits

    OCaml中的modular implicits思路如下,


    module type Show = sig
      type t
      val show : t -> string
    let show {S : Show } x = S. show x
    implicit module Show_int = struct
      type t = int
      let show x = string_of_int x
    implicit module Show_float = struct
      type t = float
      let show x = string_of_float x
    implicit module Show_list {S : Show } = struct
      type t = S. t list
      let show x = string_of_list S . show x
    let () =
      print_endline (" Show an int : " ^ show 5);
      print_endline (" Show a float : " ^ show 1.5);
      print_endline (" Show a list of ints : " ^ show [1; 2; 3]);

    例如,show 5这个函数调用,会导致OCaml去查找,Show with type t = int
    结果就可以找到,Show_Int module,


    Exploring ReasonML and functional programming
    The OCaml system release 4.07
    Overloadingwith modular implicits
    Modular implicits
    First-Class Modules and Modular Implicits in OCaml
    Haskell 2010 Language Report
    Ad hoc polymorphism
    OCaml language extensions



        本文标题:[OCaml] modular implicits
