「雅思听力-咨询申请」剑雅6Test 1-Section 1

「雅思听力-咨询申请」剑雅6Test 1-Section 1

作者: 橙弗弗 | 来源:发表于2023-02-12 13:58 被阅读0次



    WOMAN: No, I'm sorry. Perhaps you're thinking about Fresham Sports Centre.不好意思,我们没有。也许你想的是Fresham体育中心。

    MAN: Oh, right. I know it. I've played badminton there.哦,对的。我知道那个。我在那儿打羽毛球。

    WOMAN: Have you? They've got a lot of facilities we don't have and vice versa. We do have a keep-fit studio, which is very popular with members, and then as well as that there's swimming, of course.是吗?他们那儿有很多我们没有的设备,不过我们也有他们没有的。我们这里有一个健身房,在会员中非常受欢迎,并且还有游泳池。

    MAN: What about relaxing after exercise? I assume you have a restaurant or something.那锻炼之后的放松呢?我希望你们会有餐厅或者一些类似的。

    WOMAN: At the moment, we've got a salad bar which is very popular. We'll also have a fully-licensed restaurant by the end of the year.现在,我们有一间很受欢迎的沙拉吧。我们还会在今年年底开一间齐全的餐厅。


    WOMAN: Between 10:30 and 3:30 weekdays only and you pay a £50 joining fee. The annual fee is £180-it works out at £15 a month, so that would be quite a lot cheaper.平日只能在10.30到3.30之间,你需要付£50加入费。年费是£180,算下来就是£15一个月,所以这是非常便宜的

    joining fee和annual fee,前者为“入会费”,后者为“年费”

    MAN: Oh, that should be all right. I could come in my free periods. What do I have to do if I want to join?哦,那应该是好的。我可以自由的时间来。如果我想参加,我必须做什么?

    WOMAN: Well, we book you in for an assessment with an instructor, who will show you how to use all the equipment. If you want to organize a trial session and look around the centre, you'll need to speak to David Kynchley.好的,我们会为你预约一个评估,教练会告诉你如何使用所有的设备。如果你想在中心附近约一个试用课看看,你要跟David Kynchley说。




        本文标题:「雅思听力-咨询申请」剑雅6Test 1-Section 1
