
作者: 欣然小时光 | 来源:发表于2021-10-04 14:16 被阅读0次

    It's hot today. 今天好热。
    It's really hot. 真的很热。
    It's extremely hot. 热极了。
    It's hot and humid. 又热又闷。
    It really feels like summer today. 今天真的很像夏天。
    There isn't any wind blowing today. 今天一点风都没有。
    It's been hot for the past few days. 过去几天都很热。
    I'm sweating like crazy. 我的汗像发疯似的一直流。
    My back keeps sweating. 我的背一直流汗。
    My rash is itchy. 我的疹子很痒。
    Can you turn on the air conditioner/fan? 你可以开一下冷气/电风扇吗?
    You're sweating. You'd better shower. 你在流汗,你最好冲个澡。
    It will be better if you shower. 如果你去冲个澡,会比较好。
    Sit in the shade for a little while. 在阴影下坐一下。
    I wish it would rain. 我希望能下雨就好了。



