

作者: 往事一块六毛八 | 来源:发表于2022-08-26 16:26 被阅读0次



    • 与将来可能相反
    • 与现在相反
    • 与过去相反



    could(表示能力,译为:能) would(表示将要,译为:会)should(表示应该)might(表示可能)
    1: If you hadnot got up so late,you should have finished your homework
    2: If i had come here early,that kid could have saved.
    3: If you had told me early,i wouldnot have been angry at that time
    4: If i had known what kind of man he was,i would not have helped him;


    1: If i did have money,i might buy a phone
    -->If i had money,i might buy a phone
    2: If he were here right now ,we could tell him this good news
    3: If i were you,i would not do that
    4: If i had a brother,i could ask him for help


    If it rained tomorrow,we would cancel the class;
    If it were to rain tomorrow,we would cancel the class;
    If it should  rain tomorrow,we would cancel the class;


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    * 与过去相反
    1: You got up late otherwise  you could have finished your homework
    * 与现在相反
    2: 我没有钱,否则我就会买个手机
    I do n0t have enough money otherwise i would buy a phone
    * 与将来相反
    3: 明天肯定不会下雨,要不然我们就取消课程
    It's can not rain tomorrow, or we would cancel the class;

    只有主句,没有从句--通过without(没有)、but for(要不是)


    1:Our plant would not have life without sunlight
    2:We could not finish my home work without your help
    3:I was sick otherwise i could come here early
    4:He told your birthday to me otherwise i would have known anything
    5:We could not be here but for your support
    6:We could not survive without water
    7:He has no money or he would not go to work
    8: She could not do anything without she
    9:  He got up late otherwise  he could Catch the train
    10:My life is meaningless without you
    11: We wouldn't even be in touch but for high technology


    1:How i wish he had not left;
    2:I wish it would rain tomorrow
    3:How i wish i were as tall  as you
    4:I wish everyday were my birthday
    5:I wish i had not eaten so much watermalen
    6:I wish i had not been so angry
    7:I wish i had not seen him that day
    8:I wish i had more time to play with my friends every day
    9: I wish i did not have to study every day
    10:I wish i could grow up soon
    11:I wish it werenot raining now
    12:I wish i were a bird and could fly in the sky
    1:If only i knew where he lived
    2: If only i had taken you advice 
    3:If only he could come tomorrow
    4: If only i had  a lot of money
    5: If only i had study english well before
    6: If only lived near you 
    7: If only i were you

    ** would rather 没有与将来相反,如果与将来相反也用与现在相反的语法规则**

    1: I would rather you gave me the money now 
    2: I would rather you had gone
    3: I would rather you came here tomorrow
    4: I would rather you had not told me that thing
    5: I would rather i did not have you as a friend
    //would rather do sth than do sth 宁愿干某事也不愿干某事 不属于虚拟语气
    6: I would rather throw it  anyway than give it to you 
    7: I would rather tell anyone than tell him
    8:I would rather stay at home than go out with you 
    9: He would rather die than betray my country
    1: He looks as if he were a artist
    2:He speaks english so fluently as if  he had been in America
    3: He studies english so hard as if he would go to America
    4: She loves the  baby so well as if it were her own 
    5: I remember the whole  thing as if  it happend yesterday
    6:They talk as if they had been friends for years
    7:He looks as if he were drunk

    主、从句 相反的时间不一致

    2: 从句是现在,主句是过去--你如果好好学习,你以前就会怎么样了,汉语中没有这种说法,只有一中特列
    如果我是你,我当时不会那么做。if i were you i would not have done it


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    //suggest 有暗示,表明的意思,这时宾语从句不用虚拟语气
    //insist 如果是坚称的意思时,这时宾语从句不用虚拟语气



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