做为父母, 我们常常太过在意孩子在体育,音乐和学习成绩上的分数或排名。可往往,正是这种过于”认真“毁了孩子对原本喜欢的事情的热情。我们如果用轻松的心态陪伴和引导孩子的成长,可能会事半功倍。一辈子很长,成功是什么,让孩子自己去定义吧。
Sometimes we get very excited at sport and where we think we are being encouraging, all we are doing is adding greater pressure. Kids sport is about having fun with your friends. It is a structured form of play and we would all like it to be enjoyable. At this age it is not about competition and winning at all costs. We want children to develop skills, develop a passion for the particular sport they are involved in, keep healthy and active, and learn some valuable lessons that are transferrable across areas of everyday life. During sporting games children learn about solving problems and adapting to a variety of situations. They develop skills in cooperation, collaboration and teamwork. They will make mistakes and hopefully these will serve as moments of learning.
