- CSAPP translation summary (C/N)
- CSAPP translation summary (C/N)
- CSAPP translation summary (C/N)
- CSAPP translation summary (C/N)
- CSAPP translation summary (C/N)
- CSAPP translation summary (C/N)
- CSAPP translation summary (C/N)
- CSAPP translation summary page 1
- feel like learning 感觉学东西了_Apr 23
- Gartner容器市场指南中国语境:容器成为新常态,灵雀云等本地
文件就是字序列.系统中所有的输入输出都是通过一组称为Unix I/O的系统函数调用读写文件来实现的.
The file is a sequence of bytes. All the input and output of system calls system function know as Unix I/O.
The file notion is simple and elegant but it powerful, because it provides application a uniform view of all of the varied I/O devices that might be contained in the system. Same program can run on different systems that use different disk technologies.