2020-02-12-Inside the Race to Co

2020-02-12-Inside the Race to Co

作者: Mandy生活札记 | 来源:发表于2020-02-12 10:55 被阅读0次

    Inside the race to contain the America’s first coronavirus case

    It started with a stubborn cough. A visit to a local urgent care facility. A test being sent off to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And then a 35-year-old resident of Snohomish County, Wash., who had returned from a family visiting in Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the outbreak, being named the first confirmed case of the coronavirus in the United states.


    The Snohomish Health District, the stuff of 113 had poured 1000 hours into coronavirus control since the patent’s test was senet to the C.D.C.


    Within the United States, containing the virus is a local responsibility. It is health officials at the country and municipal level who are scrambling to isolate the sick, learn where they have been and monitor the people who have come into contact with them. Health workers are also debunking rumors, calming fears and bracing for the expected emergence of new cases.


    The Snohomish County patient has been discharged from the hospital with instructions of doctors to remain in isolation at home for now. Snohomish health officials declined to release his name.


    The man said he was continuing to get better and he thanked those who cared for him. He expressed his desire to return to his normal life and “not to be in the public eye.”


    Stubborn cough 持续不断的咳嗽

    Send off 送到某地

    Discharged from the hospital 出院

    Be braced for sth 为某做好准备

    Debunk v.揭穿 Debunking rumors 揭穿谣言

    Scramble to do sth 抓紧做某事

    Pour sth into sth 倾注…做某事

    I Poured 1000hours into my online courses

    Contain v.一般是包含,但是也有控制,遏制的意思

    Come into contact with sb. 与某人接触

    The place is looking for people who have come into contact with the suspect.

    He was so excited that he could not contain himself

    The government is scrambling to contain the outbreak of coronavirus.




          本文标题:2020-02-12-Inside the Race to Co
