去年,我在微博上发起了100天阅读博文的行动。具体就是,每天读一篇 iOS 开发相关的技术博文,并在微博上分享自己的读后感。对于在开发、工作、和面试中常见的问题,通过这段时间100篇博客的阅读,我产生了自己的一些心得体会,分享如下。至于想看博客原文的朋友,文末也有相关链接。
第一个感触就是iOS开发真是博大精深。我一开始的文章来源定为Medium、Swift Summit、Realm、Apple WWDC。这些渠道都是经过筛选的上佳博文和视频,而且话题广泛,涉及基础架构、语法框架、性能优化、开源等方方面面。
App 开发
- 深入理解 RunLoop
- CPU vs GPU · iOS 核心动画高级技巧
- iOS 保持界面流畅的技巧
- 单向数据流动的函数式 View Controller
- 微信读书 iOS 性能优化总结
- 微信读书 iOS 质量保证及性能监控
- SOLID Principles in Swift
- Swift with a hundred engineers
- Tales of a rewrite at Lyft
- Re-architecting Pinterest’s iOS app
- Immutable models and data consistency in our iOS App
- Optimizing App Startup Time
- Managing Consistency of Immutable Models
- Migrating to Swift 3
- Getting to Swift 3
- Building Mixed-Language iOS Project with Buck
- 如何将 iOS 项目的编译速度提高5倍
- 如何打造易扩展的高性能图片组件
- iOS 启动连续闪退保护方案
- GYDataCenter:高性能数据库框架
- GYHttpMock:iOS HTTP请求模拟工具
- 预加载与智能预加载(iOS)
- 使用 ASDK 性能调优 - 提升 iOS 界面的渲染性能
- AsyncDisplayKit 2.0 Tutorial: Getting Started
- AsyncDisplayKit 2.0 Tutorial: Automatic Layout
- Introducing Lottie
- Introducing Plank: Immutable model generation for iOS
- Engineering Signature Rendering on iOS with UberSignature
- Visual Debugging with Xcode
- Debugging Tips and Tricks
- Improving Existing Apps with Modern Best Practices
- An Introduction to the Swift Package Manager
- Charles Proxy Tutorial for iOS
- fastlane Tutorial: Getting Started
- Swift 性能相关
- Swift 性能探索和优化分析
- Optimizing Swift Performance
- Understanding Swift Performance
- The Objective-C Runtime & Swift Dynamism
- Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift
- Building Better Apps with Value Types in Swift
- Introducing Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift 3
- Protocol and Value Oriented Programming in UIKit Apps
- Manual Swift: Understanding the Swift/Objective-C Build Pipeline
iOS 框架使用和优化
- 再看关于 Storyboard 的一些争论
- NSSecureCoding
- iOS Accessibility Tutorial: Getting Started
- How iOS Security Really Works
- Advanced Animations with UIKit
- Introducing Drag and Drop
- Mastering Drag and Drop
- Extend Your App's Presence With Sharing
- Extend Your App’s Presence with Deep Linking
iOS 11 更新
人工智能 增强现实
- Introducing Core ML
- Core ML in depth
- Natural Language Processing and your Apps
- Vision Framework: Building on Core ML
- Introducing ARKit: Augmented Reality for iOS
- iOS 响应式架构
- iOS 组件化方案探索
- iOS 组件化 —— 路由设计思路分析
- Do MVC like it’s 1979
- Model-View-Controller (MVC) in iOS: A Modern Approach
- Presenting Coordinator
- A dumb UI is a good UI: Using MVP in iOS with swift
- Introduction to MVVM
- From MVC to MVVM in Swift
- Bindings, Generics, Swift and MVVM
- MVVM with Coordinators and RxSwift
- Introduction to Protocol-Oriented MVVM
- MVVM with RxSwift
- Implementing MVVM in iOS with RxSwift
- Simplification of iOS View Controllers: MVVM or Presentation Controls?
- Meet VIPER: Mutual mobile's application of clean architecture for iOS apps
- iOS Project Architecture: Using VIPER
- Architecting iOS Apps with VIPER
- 250 Days Shipping With Swift and VIPER
- VIPER to be or not to be
- Unidirectional Data Flow in Swift: An Alternative to Massive View Controllers
- Engineering the Architecture behind Uber's New Rider App
- iOS Architecture Patterns Demystifying MVC, MVP, MVVM and VIPER
大前端 vs. 原生态
- An iOS Developer on React Native
- React Native: A year in review
- Comparing the Performance between Native iOS (Swift) and React-Native
- Apple’s refusal to support Progressive Web
- This is How Google will Collapse
- Facebook Open Source 2016 year in review
- Complexion Reduction: A New Trend In Mobile Design
- Communication Between Designers and Engineers
- 100 Days of Vector Illustration
- Apple Culture After Ten Years of iPhone
- Bike-sharing app comparison: Mobike vs. ofo vs. Bluegogo
- Revisiting The Unicorn Club