

作者: 御藏阁博物馆金总 | 来源:发表于2016-08-05 16:44 被阅读0次


    Name: Chongqing ingot

    规格:直径为3.37CM   重量为14.3g

    Specification: 3.37 CM diameter weight is 14.3 g


    Type: miscellaneous



    旧称“崇庆”(1212)、“至宁”(1213)、 “贞祐”(1213-1217)为金钱三珍,它们分别是指“崇庆元宝”篆书折五大钱、“至宁元宝”楷书折五大钱和“贞祐通宝”楷书折五大钱。“崇庆”、“至宁”为金卫绍王完颜永济的年号,“崇庆”年号使用仅仅四个月,而“至宁”年号使用不到一年多一点时间。而“贞祐”为金宣宗完颜珣的第一个年号,使用了五年。卫绍王、金宣宗时代是金代开始走向没落的时代,外有强敌成吉思汗,内有奸臣当道,金代已成强弓之末,“大厦将颠,非一木所支也。”完颜永济“柔弱鲜智能”,完颜珣“性本猜忌,崇信翙御,奖用吏胥,苛刻成风,举措失当,……,曾未数年,昔也日辟国百里,今也日蹙国里,其能济乎?再迁遂至失国”。崇庆在元初,已不可得,而人们对于“贞祐通宝”的了解,也仅仅是《渊鉴类函》上的那句话“金宣宗铸贞祐通宝钱”。金代是个小国家,其发行量可想而知并不大,现在传世极少,弥足珍贵。”有书籍称其为“孤品”,实际上据了解目前全国保存有20枚左右的真品,均被钱币收藏家收藏。

    In August 2016, Zhejiang Royal Tibet pavilion to collect a limited "Chongqing ingot". Positive clockwise rotation is read as "Chongqing gold", is the seal. Coins for the texture of bronze, finishing, beautiful words; diameter of 3.37CM, weight is 14.3 genus packs a lot of money, fifty Jane ranked 34th. The gold seal Chongqing gold, money the sandeel Zhuan, pen posture beautiful, fresh fluent, neat strokes, is simple and unsophisticated and round, soft apartment just seamless, ingenious and incomparable, quite seal "Taihe treasures" legacy. However, money is "Tong Bao, lack of flexibility, the introduction of a rigid, great collection value.

    2016年8月,浙江御藏阁有限征集到一枚“崇庆元宝”。正面按照顺时针方向旋读为“崇庆元宝”,是篆书体。钱币为青铜质地、制作精整,文字秀美;直径为3.37CM,重量为14.3g 属折五大钱,在五十名珍中排第三十四位。这枚篆书崇庆元宝,钱文为玉筋篆,笔姿秀美,流利清新,笔画工整,圆润古朴,柔中寓刚,浑然一体,精妙无比,颇有篆书“泰和重宝”之遗风。而通宝、重宝钱,则显柔性不足,其起承转合之处,略显刚硬,收藏价值巨大。

    In August 2016, Zhejiang Royal Tibet pavilion to collect a limited "Chongqing ingot". Positive clockwise rotation is read as "Chongqing gold", is the seal. Coins for the texture of bronze, finishing, beautiful words; diameter of 3.37CM, weight is 14.3 genus packs a lot of money, fifty Jane ranked 34th. The gold seal Chongqing gold, money the sandeel Zhuan, pen posture beautiful, fresh fluent, neat strokes, is simple and unsophisticated and round, soft apartment just seamless, ingenious and incomparable, quite seal "Taihe treasures" legacy. However, money is "Tong Bao, lack of flexibility, the introduction of a rigid, great collection value.


    Chongqing gold weight in more than 10 grams, why then big "Taihe", "Apocalypse", "Xianfeng" gradually appreciate? Is because a lot of money liked, and Chongqing ingot is shape moderate to a lot of money. You do not have to difficult storage of troubles, but pretty generous fun, Chongqing ingot has a unique beauty, and can completely meet the enthusiast needs, but also can meet the lovers depth by the specific circumstances of the people, no matter what will get infinite pleasure and knowledge, more loved by the majority of fans.



